Ed Jewett: The Kennedy – Ben-Gurion Letters Over Nuclear Israel

Peace Intelligence

The Battle of the Letters, 1963: John F. Kennedy, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and the U.S. Inspections of Dimona

The full exchange of letters and related communications between Kennedy, Ben-Gurion, and Eshkol, published for the first time today by the National Security Archive, illustrates both Kennedy’s tenacity and Israeli leaders’ recalcitrance on the matter of Dimona. Surprised by the U.S.’s firm demands, Eshkol took seven weeks, involving tense internal consultations, before he reluctantly assented.

….and then Kennedy was assassinated.

Read full report.

Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela – An Opportunity for President Donald Trump to Reform US Intelligence

Advanced Cyber/IO, Ethics, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Link to Original and Full Text of Article Below the Fold — Includes Bill Binney

Continue reading “Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela – An Opportunity for President Donald Trump to Reform US Intelligence”

Zero Hedge: Ambassador Craig Murray Guts Robert Mueller

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Craig Murray: The Real Muellergate Scandal

Robert Mueller is either a fool, or deeply corrupt. I do not think he is a fool.

There has never been, by any US law enforcement or security service body, a forensic examination of the DNC servers, despite the fact that the claim those servers were hacked is the very heart of the entire investigation. Instead, the security services simply accepted the “evidence” provided by the DNC’s own IT security consultants, Crowdstrike, a company which is politically aligned to the Clintons.

That is precisely the equivalent of the police receiving a phone call saying:

“Hello? My husband has just been murdered. He had a knife in his back with the initials of the Russian man who lives next door engraved on it in Cyrillic script. I have employed a private detective who will send you photos of the body and the knife. No, you don’t need to see either of them.”

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Yoda: Elan Carr Joins Eliot Abram as Uber Zionist in Charge of US Foreign Policy — Idiocy and Treason Rule at US Department of State

Peace Intelligence

This will not end well for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, or for the Zionists.  Their Day of Atonement approaches.

Alert Reader comments:

Dixit Pompeo and Elan Carr, in this Brother Nathaniel latest Youtube, “Mystery Babylon In Swift Key.”  What's in store for anyone uttering any anti-Zionism word is… well… as good as death.  Just listen to Carr, starting at 4:00 minutes.  And check this: “We are going to study it and eradicate it WORLDWIDE by going after “those countries where textbooks are purveying anti-Semitic hate (!)” 

Elan Carr has an interesting Wikipedia page… and all the right connections by birth and otherwise. Seeing how much more verbal people are becoming about Zionism worldwide (and the true, peaceful Jewish people caught in the middle of that insanity are becoming increasingly uneasy and verbal about it too), that's an awful lot of policing to do worldwide on a tanking economy