Election 2020 – MON 11 MAR 2019

Cultural Intelligence

Monday 11 March 2019

Comment: President Trump has ignored blacks, Latinos, suburban women, and Independents. Governor John Hickenlooper is the single best challenger — if Cynthia McKinney joined either Trump or Hickenlooper at VP she would be the kingmaker.  Kamela Harris is a flake and will not go the distance. However, as Wayne Jett points out, once Barr and Huber get going, the FISA disclosures should led to a decimation of Democratic leadership in the House, and perhaps the fall of the UK Government. Add 9/11 disclosure and most incumbents are vulnerable.

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Robert Steele: Suing the SPLC (and ADL and GoogleNews and More…)

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Robert David STEELE Vivas

In late Spring I will be  hosting a legal conference, by invitation, to bring together a killer legal team and people who have legitimate cases against the SPLC, the ADL, GoogleNews, and others who are censoring, defaming, committing wire fraud, in conspiracy, and more. Below is a really excellent article that should be an inspiration to all who are fed up with being abused. We have one mantra:  DISCOVERY.

Suing the SPLC

The Southern Poverty Law Center suffered a well-publicized setback in the summer of 2018 when it agreed to pay $3.375 million to the Quilliam Foundation and its founder Maajid Nawaz for wrongly placing them on a 2016 list of “anti-Muslim extremists.” Nawaz, a former Islamic extremist turned moderate, has been critical of Islamic extremism (for example, the ban on Muhammad depictions), and for this he was smeared by the SPLC.

This, of course, is a big deal since many powerful organizations including Amazon, PayPal, and Google use the SPLC to determine whom to ban, punish, or de-platform. As a result, being targeted by the SPLC can be devastating, especially if you’re on the Right.

Read full article.

Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo – Tracebook or Facebook, Tool for Globalist Deep State and Fake News

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media

Government to Facebook Pipeline Reveals a Corrupt Mix of Social Media and the State

As the Free Thought Project has previously reported, the phrase “Facebook is a private company” is not accurate as they have formed a partnership with an insidious neoconservative “think tank” known as the Atlantic Council which is directly funded and made up of groups tied to the pharmaceutical industry, the military industrial complex, and even government itself. The Atlantic Council dictates to Facebook who is allowed on the platform and who is purged.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Federating Data: Easy, Hard, or Poorly Understood Until One Tries It at Scale?

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Federating Data: Easy, Hard, or Poorly Understood Until One Tries It at Scale?

One article explained that there’s a new way to deal with data federation. Always optimistic, I took a look at “Data-Driven Decision-Making Made Possible using a Modern Data Stack.” The revolution is to load data and then aggregate. The old way is to transform, aggregate, and model. Here’s a diagram from DAS43. A larger version is available at this link.

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