Gareth Porter: Intel Chiefs Use “Global Threat” Report to Uphold US War Machine

Peace Intelligence
Gareth Porter

Intel Chiefs Use “Global Threat” Report to Uphold US War Machine

The intelligence chiefs used the annual presentation of their “global threat assessment” to protect key policies and programs that provide their massive organizations with enormous power and budgetary resources.

The corporate media never discuss the fact that these annual presentations, far from being politically neutral, are used to defend the interests of the intelligence agencies themselves and their main customers – the Pentagon and the military.

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DefDog: Congress Demands War in Afghanistan Continue So They Can Keep Getting Their Kick-Backs (Bribes) from the US Deep State Military-Industrial Complex

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

If ever anyone needed to see what politics does to the military this article clearly shows that war is not fought for the right reasons but rather for the right amount of money…..

Congress’s Vote To Keep War In Afghanistan Sells Out American Soldiers

By a 68-23 margin, the Senate decided we haven’t spilled enough blood, broken enough soldiers, or spent enough money on Afghanistan.

See Also:

Robert Steele Book Reviews on War Is A Racket

Rebecca Campbell: Court Skeptical on FCC Bullshit Covering Up Weaponized 5G, Ignoring Public Safety Issues

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency

5G will get its court time.

FCC struggles to convince judge that broadband isn’t “telecommunications”

A Federal Communications Commission lawyer faced a skeptical panel of judges today as the FCC defended its repeal of net neutrality rules and deregulation of the broadband industry.

Blocking, throttling, or any sort of paid prioritization that causes other traffic to be delivered slower than prioritized traffic could affect both public safety agencies and consumers who rely on broadband to get emergency messages, she noted. As an example, she said her county's public health website provides information about vaccine stock in case of influenza outbreaks.

Read full article.

ZeroHedge: SPLC Sued by Gavin McInnes for Defamation — Rising Interest in Using Federal Courts to Take Down ADL, SPLC, and Any Vendor that DePlatforms in Violation of Free Speech and Title 7 #GoogleGestapo

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

“Frothing With Bigots”: SPLC Sued By Gavin McInnes For Defamation

Conservative pundit and VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes as filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after they deemed his right-wing fraternal organization, the Proud Boys, a hate group.

McInnes's attorney, Ron D. Coleman, filed a 61-page complaint in Sunday evening in the Middle District of Alabama, according to the Gateway Pundit‘s Cassandra Fairbanks (see actual filing below).

“By leveraging its remarkable power and influence to deplatform and defund targeted groups and individuals such as Mr. McInnes, SPLC deprives those with which it disagrees of venues in which their points of view may be expressed, of income and ultimately of their most priceless possession, their reputations,” reads the filing.

Continue reading “ZeroHedge: SPLC Sued by Gavin McInnes for Defamation — Rising Interest in Using Federal Courts to Take Down ADL, SPLC, and Any Vendor that DePlatforms in Violation of Free Speech and Title 7 #GoogleGestapo”

Scott Keisler: The Truth About Venezuela

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 07 Venezuela, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence
Scott Keisler

The Truth About Venezuela

Covert intelligence groups sowing seeds of destabilization overseas, funding front groups to promote ‘democracy’, engaging in economic warfare, media propaganda campaigns – the playbook is quite familiar to those who know the dark art of unilateral empire building. For the last two decades Neoconservatives and the State Department have, with varying degrees of success, mercilessly pursued a foreign policy of regime change in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine and Iran (among others).

Many will be surprised to learn that Venezuela has been on the dubious list of sovereign nation states targeted by Washington for toppling since 1998.(1)

Read full article, includes quotes from former CIA Chief in Venezuela.


Venezuela: The U.S.’s 68th Regime Change Disaster