Tom Atlee: In a wise democracy, who are “stakeholders” and what is their role?

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

In a wise democracy, who are “stakeholders” and what is their role?

Stakeholders are citizens involved with a specific issue or domain, whose activities actually constitute that issue or domain. Thus the stakeholders of a domain collectively have the potential – IF they collaborate – to make whatever difference is most important to be made in the domain they have hitherto been fighting over. Full-spectrum stakeholder collaborations thus offer a powerful complement to citizen engagement on the road to an effective wise democracy.

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Stephen E. Arnold: French Replace Google with Qwant #GoogleGestapo Crumbling?

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

French Wash Out Google. Recruit Qwant

Last year, we took note when the privacy-centric search engine Qwant, a French and German company, declared its intention to take on Google for internet search dominance. Now, The Sun reports, “France Declares War on Google as Military Replaces Search Engine with ‘Untrackable’ Qwant.” Apparently, officials feel their nation’s very (digital) independence is at risk. Reporter Felix Allen writes:

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: French Replace Google with Qwant #GoogleGestapo Crumbling?”

Donations Sought End of Year Tax Deductible

Robert David STEELE Vivas

EIN is an educational non-profit (501c3) that sponsors two free blogs, one mature (Phi Beta Iota) and one emergent (Alt-Gov.Net).

Seeking funds for accountant (tax return compliance is no longer comprehensible to nor achievable by a normal person), expenses related to the creation of, and travel.

A grant to On the Issues will be made if a sufficiency of funds are donated, we want Jesse Gordon to be able to compare cabinet candidates not just presidential candidates, and to show true costs of issue policy positions — we are not going to reinvent the wheel, On the Issues is the best place to do this. [It will be easier to get Jesse to consider these ideas if the grant comes through us — of course I encourage direct donations to him as well.]

EIN financial details below the fold.

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Worth a Look: Stalking the Viet Cong Inside Operation Phoenix A Personal Account

Intelligence (Government/Secret), Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Stu Herrington

Originally published as Silence Was A Weapon: The Vietnam War In the Villages (1982)

In a gripping memoir that reads like a spy novel, one man recounts his personal experience with Operation Phoenix, the program created to destroy the Vietcong’s shadow government, which thrived in the rural communities of South Vietnam.

Stuart A. Herrington was an American intelligence advisor assigned to root out the enemy in the Hau Nghia province. His two-year mission to capture or kill Communist agents operating there was made all the more difficult by local officials who were reluctant to cooperate, villagers who were too scared to talk, and VC who would not go down without a fight. Herrington developed an unexpected but intense identification with the villagers in his jurisdiction–and learned the hard way that experiencing war was profoundly different from philosophizing about it in a seminar room.

Also by Col Herrington:

Review: Traitors Among Us–Inside the Spy Catcher’s World