Journal: Surveillance State Expands

10 Security, Government, Law Enforcement, Mobile, Real Time
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Amidst reports that the Department of Homeland Security is adding 30,000 positions, below are two items on the continued expansion of the surveillance state.

Sprint Provided 8 Million Reports on Customers to Law Enforcement

Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers

EFF sues feds for info on social-network surveillance

Phi Beta Iota: Absent the National Security Agency (NSA) being willing to be a serious all-source processing agency, we consider most of this expansion to be a waste of taxpayer results unlikely to yield a responsible return on investment–NSA is a very long way away from holistic real-time machine-speed multilingual automated analysis.  What is most frightening about this is not its intrusiveness, but what it says about the continued failure to understand that 80% of what we need to know is not secret, not in English, and not known to anyone in the National Capital Area (NCA).

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