Amidst reports that the Department of Homeland Security is adding 30,000 positions, below are two items on the continued expansion of the surveillance state.
Sprint Provided 8 Million Reports on Customers to Law Enforcement
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers
EFF sues feds for info on social-network surveillance
Phi Beta Iota: Absent the National Security Agency (NSA) being willing to be a serious all-source processing agency, we consider most of this expansion to be a waste of taxpayer results unlikely to yield a responsible return on investment–NSA is a very long way away from holistic real-time machine-speed multilingual automated analysis. What is most frightening about this is not its intrusiveness, but what it says about the continued failure to understand that 80% of what we need to know is not secret, not in English, and not known to anyone in the National Capital Area (NCA).