Chuck Spinney: Iran, Israel, US Congress, 22 March…

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney

My buddy Mike Lofgren launches another one.

Iran and the Shape of Things to Come

Mike Lofgren, Huffington Post, Posted: 02/21/2012 7:05 pm

Cet animal est tres mechant; quand on l'attaque, il se defend. (This animal is very wicked; when you attack it, it defends itself) – French proverb

It is hard not to think of that Gallic witticism when observing recent international events. Aside from almost daily threats from the governments of Israel and the United States to attack Iran — a violation of the United Nations Charter — Iran has been subject to sabotage, violations of its airspace by military drones, and assassinations of its citizens. Under the circumstances, it is not surprising to hear news of attempted attacks on Israeli embassies in Georgia, India, and Thailand. Iran may very well be behind them.


Read full article.

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