02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, Military

Syria a Satellite of Iran? Nah….

NIGHTWATCH: Syria, Iran, and the Regional Context

NIGHTWATCH: US Invades Iraq, Creates first Arab Shi’ite State

NIGHTWATCH: Push-Back on US Across AF PK IR SY

Mini-Me: Smoking Gun Documents on Iran From Israel Mossad?

Josh Kilbourn: Dollar Disappearing, US Sidelined on Syria / Iran

Journal: Turkey’s Emerging Grand Strategy

Journal: Turkey Emergent

Journal: The Rise and Rise Further of Turkey (Along with the Collapse of Israel and the NeoCons)

Journal: Stupid Is As Stupid Does–Israel…Again

Journal: Nuclear War Against Iran…Again

Journal: Here’s a Great Idea–Lets Piss Off Turkey

Iran–and the USA–Blew Arab Spring, Both Irreleva

Iran–and the USA–Blew Arab Spring, Both Irrelevant

Chuck Spinney: Israel, Not Iran, is Central Threat in Middle East

Chuck Spinney: Middle East New Geopolitical Map

Chuck Spinney: Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axis Reinstated

Chuck Spinney: Should We Fear Nuclear Iran or Nuclear Israel?

23 Worst Tyrants/Dictators (Yes, there’s more than 23) and Oops, there’s Saudi Arabia..

Phi Beta Iota:  Does not include relevant book reviews.

NIGHTWATCH: China & Japan Coordinate Naval Patrols — DoD Clueless on Future in Pacific

02 China, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, IO Impotency, Military

Somalia: For the record. India, China and Japan have begun coordinated naval patrols off the Horn of Africa with the assistance of counter-piracy mechanism Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE), Indian navy sources said. This is the first time that these three have coordinated in this fashion, though all have been engaged in anti-piracy operations for several years.


Phi Beta Iota:  The old US model, of a very expensive and now unsustainable “forward presence” including over 1000 “locations” outside the USA, all prime targets for asymmetric attack, can be contrasted with the new Chinese model, of coordination, using shared information as the “loose glue” for building trust.  The US has refused to entertain these notions since they began in force from 1988.  The U.S. military is not thinking seriously about the future — for example, Hawaii as an autonomous state (if not a free Republic) that evicts all US forces as part of an internationalization and conversion to a Pacific “neutral” zone such as China has been thinking about for at least fifty years.  Boneheads will label this idea insane.  The more intelligent will plan for it.  Put bluntly, the US Navy does not have a clue how to be influential in a sustainable (cost effective) manner in the Pacific or anywhere else, absent big bases, hundreds of billions, and tolerance for zero strategic smarts.

See Also:

NIGHTWATCH: China Leads Multinational Intelligence and Operations Initiative within Mekong River Basin

US Intelligence & Policy on China & Pakistan Lack Consistency & Common Sense (i.e. Integrity)

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China-Iran Rail + China ReCap

NIGHTWATCH Extracts: China-Fiji, China Carriers, Venezuela-Colombia Re-Set

Gordon Duff: Is America the New Axis of Evil?

Gordon Duff

With America’s Stealth Dictatorship Now Visible, A Police State..

… by Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor

Though a GOP “insider,” I have always worked to represent reason and human values, or so I tell myself.  In our government, military and intelligence services, people of courage and good will have been worn down, bullied, they look away. 

Some were indoctrinated to the “right,” seeing the intellectual dishonesty and ineffectiveness of the left, now exposed as “controlled opposition.”

All opposition is controlled opposition.  Real Americans wait by their door for when “their time” comes, and that time is closer than ever.

Once we used to fight over 9/11 as a “conspiracy theory.”  So many went to defend America, believing 9/11.  This will break your heart.  Please accept my apology in advance:

. . . . . . .

There is no one in Washington, except perhaps Ron Paul, that any of us, and by “us,” I mean our military, our veterans, our intelligence community, can get behind.  To that limited extent I speak this much for them with their clear authorization.

See various videos, much more detail.

Phi Beta Iota:  While its strong and direct language may disconcert many, this author is a veteran and the website, VeteransToday, is one of the most read sites in the English language with respect to national security and civil liberty issues.  This particular offering is a study in complex citizen reactions to strongly perceived betrayal on multiple fronts.  We believe it is representative of the convictions of many veterans who no longer trust their own government.  When legitimacy is questioned by a majority, however slight, the uncomfortable internal war begins.

See Also:

The Search for Security: A U.S. Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First Century

Uncomfortable Wars Revisited

2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

John Steiner: Community Rights Movement / Democracy School Online

John Steiner

Learn how the rights protecting commerce and property, combined with the constitutional bestowal of the rights of personhood, have > given corporations a controlling interest over our nation, our democracy, our people and the very land we walk on. We are occupied!

A new civil rights movement is on the rise and like movements in the past, extending constitutional rights to former slaves, women and labor, people across the nation are learning how to take the power to govern out of corporate boardrooms and put it back into the hands of their communities where it belongs.

This stimulating and illuminating course teaches citizens and activists how to reframe exhausting and often discouraging single issue work (such as opposing fracking, toxic dumps, quarries, factory farms, uranium, etc.) in a way that we can confront corporate control on a powerful single front: people's constitutional rights. Democracy School Online also traces the development of peoples' rights and corporate rights through U.S. history (corporations were given the rights of personhood before women were!), so we understand how things came to be the way they are. Working together, we can restore our rights as persons and our democracy.

Democracy School Online is presented by the Community Environmental Legal Defence Fund (CELDF).

Perry Bezanis: Reflections on the Human Condition

11 Society, Blog Wisdom
Perry Bezanis

“All governments and economic policies as we know them so far, are ‘mere artifacts of intellectual development so far'. Genetic imperative, meanwhile, drives the human life-form as a whole to ‘live as long as possible' – but the only way of doing that is through science and science alone. American free-enterprise, capitalist democracy, in other words, is doomed -like it or not”.

“Economics has evolved out of fundamentally natural mechanisms of human diasporation and eventual trade. For the greater part of history, these mechanisms were more or less satisfactory in the sense that it was not possible to foresee problematic consequences from underlying dynamics. Economics and economic theory, in this respect, have evolved as less concerned with consequences than with ‘invisible hand's, ‘economic growth' and abstract market properties more or less ignorantly conjured into ‘existence and importance'.

Critically missing therein is any reference to the biological nature of man and the nature of his influence on what is a closed-earth system -four considerations:

The parent website is

Reference: Four Letters That Changed Nothing

Memoranda, Office of Management and Budget, Vatican

Appendix: Game Changing Letters that Flopped

Note:  These letters were to be included as appendices to illuminate how those in power refuse to consider, much less embrace, radical constructive ideas, however essential they might be to the 99%.    All four of these leaders – a Pope, the Secretary General of the United Nations, a sitting President of the United States of America, and a multi-billionaire with a flair for innovation – have probably not even seen these letters because they inhabit a CLOSED world.  They are surrounded by courtiers who are threatened by new ideas, and who reject all that they do not understand.

In an OPEN world, each of these individual would hear from a million voices, asking them to read the letter addressed to them, and to hold a summit for public discussion of the letter.

This post is the full text online version for ease of automated translation.  Links to the actual versions on letterhead are below the line with their full-text version.

Amazon Book Page [release date 5 June 2012]

Phi Beta Iota Book Page with Original 60 Slides (Down to 33 in Final Book)

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Robert David STEELE Vivas

Continue reading “Reference: Four Letters That Changed Nothing”

Mini-Me: Global Water Theft Planned by World Bank

07 Other Atrocities, 12 Water
Who? Mini-Me?

Water Industry, World Bank Pilot New Scheme To Drive Public Water Into Private Hands World

DAVOS-KLOSTERS, SWITZERLAND – This January 26th, the water industry will privately review its newest strategy for driving public water resources into private hands at the World Economic Forum. A partnership quietly launched in October with funding from the World Bank, Coca-Cola and Veolia will report on progress towards its stated mission to “transform the water sector” by establishing “new normative approaches to water governance” that put the private sector in the driver’s seat in water management.

Calling itself the Water Resources Group (WRG) and headed by Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathei, the corporation has already targeted the countries of Mexico, Jordan, India and South Africa to “shape and test governance processes” that would make water privatization more feasible and profitable. The fact that the Group has not invited publicity, and the Bank was unwilling to comment upon its launch, underscores how controversial its founders know the endeavor to be.

“The cognitive dissonance could not be clearer,” said Corporate Accountability International Executive Director Kelle Louaillier. “Amid a global water crisis, exacerbated by one failed privatization scheme after another, a development institution is aggressively advancing narrow industry interests to the detriment of poverty alleviation.”

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Global Water Theft Planned by World Bank”