The Spanda Journal special issue on “Systemic Change”, VI, 1, June 2015, is now available at Spanda website.
The issue contains the following articles:
:: Guest Editorial | Helene Finidori, Systemic Change | Pages V-XI.
:: Rasigan Mahrajh, The Metabolic Rift. Anachronistic Institutions and the Anthropocene | Pages 1-10.
:: Christiaan Weiler, The Return of the Real Space. Co-Authoring Space Planning for Community Resilience | Pages 11-20
:: Michel Bauwens, P2P Prevolution and Commons Phase Transitions, Notes on the Nature of the Revolution in the P2P/Commons Epoch | Pages 21-24
:: Robert C. Smith, Crisis, Social Transformation and the Frankfurt School. Toward a Critical Social System | Pages 25-33
:: Antony Judge, Requisite Meta-Reflection on Engagement in Systemic Change? Fiat, Fatwa and the World-Making in a Period of Existential Radicalisation | Pages 35-42
:: Douglas Schuler, How we May Think – The Next Chapter. Civic Intelligence and Collective Metacognition | Pages 43-52
:: Jack Harich, Solving Difficult Large-Scale Social System Problems with Root Cause Analysis | Pages 53-66
:: Joe Brewer, Tools for Culture Design: Toward a Science of Social Change? | Pages 67-73
:: Bernard Stiegler, System and Technics | Pages 75-82
:: Simone Cicero, On the Role of Platform Based Peer Production and the Commons in the Dynamics of Innovation | Pages 83-90
:: Brett Scott, Open Source Finance Hacking: The Potentials and Problems | Pages 91-100
:: Jenny Quillien, Parsing Systemic Change: and Three Begot the Ten Thousand Things | Pages 101-109
:: Ashwani Vasishth, Recenceptualizing Systemic Change Using an Ecosystem Approach from Process-Function Ecology | Pages 111-118
:: William E. Smith, Making the Invisible Visible. The Dynamic Interplay between Purpose, Power and Leadership Organizing Complexity | Pages 119-128
:: Carol Sanford, Language as Clue: The Effect of Paradigms on Creating Systemic Change in Business | Pages 129-135
:: Denis Postle, Systemic Change: The Role of ‘Creative Style' | Pages 137-145
:: Mimi Stokes-Katzenbach, Ensembles of Dramatic Systemic Change from Planetary Tragedy to Global Thriving in Three Stages | Pages 147-154
:: Michelle Holliday ~ Michael Jones, Living System Theory and the Practice of Stewardship Change | Pages 155-162
:: Alexander Laszlo, Living Systems, Seeing Systems, Being Systems: Learning to be the System that we Wish to See in the World | Pages 163-173
:: Laurence J. Victor, The Story: Uplifting Humankind to Create Humanity via Societal Metamorphosis | Pages 175-183
:: Tom Atlee, Conversation in the Conscious Evolution of Social Systems | Pages 185-193
:: Lilian Ricaud, Permaculture Patterning | Pages 195-203
:: The PLAST Collective, The PLAST Project: Pattern Language for Systemic Transformation | Pages 205-218