#GoogleGestapo: This is the Face of Evil (SgtReport.com)

07 Other Atrocities, Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: Tip of the Hat to the producers of this superb video which may not last long, but should be available at bitchute.com if YouTube takes it down. Protests will achieve nothing.  Eric Schmidt does not give a shit and Larry Page is too clueless to realize he is eating his seed corn. What is needed is a massive Title 7 class action lawsuit that brings together ALL of the cases against Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube, and mounts a SINGLE massive case with thousands of plantiffs, hundreds of thousands of “friend of the court” submissions, millions of demands for remedial legislation across every state, and at least 100 very specific discovery requests that will tie these people in knots for over a year.  And while they are dealing with this, we create the Autonomous Internet, cobbling together Bitchute, Gab and other  pieces, while also launching the encrypted distributed mesh. I know how to do this.


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