Paul Craig Roberts: #GoogleGestapo – Social Media Is Now a Censorship Mechanism

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency
Paul Craig Roberts

Anti-Defamation League, Facebook, Google & Youtube Appoint Themselves As Official Internet Censor

By Richard Enos
Collective Evolution

October 1, 2018

The obvious fact is that the cabal of organizations that will be sitting down at the Cyberhate Problem-Solving Lab will likely make little mention of the impact of cyber-bullying and online hate speech on human individuals. They will be more prone to focus on how to continue hiding crimes against humanity perpetrated by the global elite since time immemorial, crimes like massive fraud, slavery, pedophilia, torture, and murder. And why would these organizations be motivated to hide these crimes? Because they are now controlled by the very global elite who are perpetrating them in the first place.

Read full article.

See Also:

#GoogleGestapo @ Phi Beta Iota

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