Kerry Cassidy Interviews Elana Freeland on Ionized Skies and Transhumanism — Project Human Extinction!

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Earth Intelligence

Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, and lecturer who researches and writes on Deep State issues like geoengineering, MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, targeting, and invasive electromagnetic weapons (Nexus, October 2014). She is best known for Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (Feral House, June 2014) and Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (Feral House, February 2018), and is now finishing the third book in the series about how synthetic biology and Transhumanism are connected to the nanotechnology being delivered by geoengineering, GMO foods, and vaccinations.  SEE


It is difficult to believe that our planet has been weaponized before our very eyes, but that is exactly what has happened. First, we were seduced by the convenience of a wireless world; then, atmospheric weather experimentation in the guise of carbons “climate change” converted the air we breathe into an antenna. Now, the geo-engineering we’ve been subjected to for two decades is being normalized as the “Star Wars” Space Fence rises around and within us. Is this the Space Age we were promised?

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