Graphic: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool

Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered
Twitter Mob
Twitter Mob

Both of these graphics were created for the eight-minute presentation on Real-Time Intelligence that can be viewed by clicking on either graphic (as always, words in Notes).

Twitter is, like most intelligence environments, a very large garbage pit with some potential.

The NYPD now does monitor Twitter and cross-walks anomalous events against Twitter plotted on Trends.

Twitter can also be used to reach a specific individual at a specific time and place, or to harness the dispersed population to observe and report specific conditions or tangible things.

Twitter Reach
Twitter Reach

Journal: How Many CIA’s and How Threatening is the CIA to the Lives of Leon Panetta and Barack Obama?

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Government, Leadership-Integrity, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Policy, Reform, Strategy, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Threats
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

We were surprised this morning to learn that Ray McGovern, a CIA veteran whose credibility we respect, is saying that Leon Panetta and Barack Obama may be treating CIA with kid gloves for fear of being assassinated by the “insider” CIA that itself fears criminal prosecution for the death of over 100 detainees in CIA custody.  Food for thought.  Read McGovern's thoughts at The Media Consortium, “Ray McGovern Warns of ‘Two CIA's.'”

There are two sides to this matter.  How many CIA's?  Does CIA assassinate U.S. citizens including leaders?

Continue reading “Journal: How Many CIA's and How Threatening is the CIA to the Lives of Leon Panetta and Barack Obama?”

Graphic: CD (Congo) 1:50,000 Combat Chart Shortfalls

Advanced Cyber/IO, Geospatial
Graphic: East View Cartographic Help for UN Forces Eastern Congo
Graphic: East View Cartographic Help for UN Forces Eastern Congo

East View Cartographic, the single most extraordinary geospatial support service in the commercial sector, created the attached without color; the G-2 of United Nations Forces Eastern Congo prioritized their needs (the West still does not have 1:50,000 combat chart with contour line coverage for most of the Third World, i.e. the bulk of the ungovernable unstable zones).  It was this single graphic that got the Dutch government to approve a US$3 million expenditure to meet the needs of UN forces in the Eastern Congo.

NOTE:  Not a single map existed.  Green above represents the least urgent, yellow and red the more urgent.

Graphic: Two Wings, Same Bird

Two Wings Same Bird
Two Wings Same Bird

This is the theme that is spreading across America.  It has always been understood by Ralph Nader and third party movements, but only recently, with the publication of the following books, has it taken hold:

Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny

2008 ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig

Running on Empty: How the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It (Paperback)

Declaring Independence: The Beginning of the End of the Two-Party System

There are many, many more books, most focusing on the positive that can be achieved oncee  we eliminate the two-party tyranny that sold out to the recipients of taxpayer funds rathet than honoring their Oaths of Office.  The coming together of Ron Paul and Ralph Nader to endorse the first book listed above should be followed soon by the coming together of Cynthia McKinney and Jackie Salit.  Independents now outnumber staunch Democrats and Republicans combined.