REALITY CALLS Interview: Tara McCarthy & Robert Steele — The Truth At Any Cost Lowers All Other Costs — What Really Happened in US Election?

Interviews OF Robert
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Tara McCarthy: If you’re like me, you’re sick and tired of the lies and omissions we see daily from the mainstream media. They try to keep us hooked on trivial drama while they skim over or completely fail to mention far more important topics. This leaves the population uninformed and vulnerable to being hoodwinked by nefarious politicians and foreign interests.

AUDIO (1:01:02): RCS #5: Robert David Steele, Truth At Any Cost Lowers All Other Costs

VIDEO (1:01:02): Coming soon

Linked References in Order of Mention:

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Robert Steele: Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity – Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)

#OSE Open Source Everything, Architecture, Articles & Chapters, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity:

Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)


PDF (26 Pages):

Chapter Steele on Augmented Intelligence as Published

Full Text of Author's Final Draft (Pre-Editing) Below the Fold

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Handbook: Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization

Information Operations

handbook-knowledge-sharingBecoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization : A Handbook for Scaling Up Solutions through Knowledge Capturing and Sharing

This volume offers a simple, systematic guide to creating a knowledge sharing practice in your organization. It shows how to build the enabling environment and develop the skills needed to capture and share knowledge gained from operational experiences to improve performance and scale-up successes. Its recommendations are grounded on the insights gained from the past seven years of collaboration between the World Bank and its clients around the world—ministries and national agencies operating in various sectors—who are working to strengthen their operations through robust knowledge sharing. While informed by the academic literature on knowledge management and organizational learning, this handbook’s operational background and many real-world examples and tips provide a missing, practical foundation for public sector officials in developing countries and for development practitioners. However, though written with a public sector audience in mind, the overall concepts and approaches will also hold true for most organizations in the private sector and the developed world.

Tip of the Hat to Berto Jongman

Berto Jongman: Dan Harris on Eroding Human Intelligence Collection in the US Intelligence Community — Reflections on Intelligence Reform by Robert Steele

All Reflections & Story Boards, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The Consequences of Eroding Human Intelligence Collection

TheCIPHERBrief, November 2, 2016 | Dan Harris

The U.S. Intelligence Community’s (IC) clandestine human intelligence (HUMINT) services are experiencing an erosion of their core mission and values, with consequences to our current and future collection capability.   . . .   I believe the issue in the IC is not the need for a new service but the need for experienced mission-enablers, vice political loyalists, at the command level.  . . .   Former CIA Deputy Director Stephen Kappas spoke poignantly of this condition when he said he could find 100 Agency officers willing to risk their lives in a war zone, but could find not one willing to risk his/her career.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Dan Harris on Eroding Human Intelligence Collection in the US Intelligence Community — Reflections on Intelligence Reform by Robert Steele”

KINDLE: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Done Right: An Indictment of 25 years of expensive passive failure

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Books w/Steele, Ethics, OSINT Generic, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

This briefing has been funded and approved for delivery in its present form, in April 2016, to the military, police, and national intelligence services of Denmark. It was also presented in Norway, but less formally. As NATO and a number of countries “re-think” Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), this briefing and the related white paper, should help focus on the essentials that have been neglected for the past quarter century.

It is nothing less than an indictment of 25 years of expensive passive failure associated with the mis-direction of OSINT away from active human sourcing as I originally envisioned, toward passive online searching that is, as one study recently concluded, over 80% absolute garbage.

This is what BGen Dr. James Cox, the original sponsor of my work for NATO in 2000-2002, had to say in 2013:

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