Yoda: Now to 26 June in Bali, Indonesia – Sacha Stone’s Health Summit and Judicial Commission on Biosphere Weaponization

07 Health, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Missed by most, this is THE event on Earth this month.

20-22 Bali, Indonesia. World Health Sovereignty Summit, hosted by Sacha Stone. https://newearthfestival.com/whss2019/

23-24 Bali, Indonesia. New Earth Festival Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponization of the Biosphere, and Indigenous Leaders, hosted by Sacha Stone. https://newearthfestival.com/

Click on Image to Enlarge

EXCELLENT South China Morning Post Article:

Rocker turned activist who founded a Bali festival on shaking the world up

  • Sacha Stone founded the NewEarth Festival in Bali in 2017 which celebrates art, beauty and consciousness in action
  • This year’s festival centres around a three-day health sovereignty summit exploring topics including vaccines, GMOs, 5G and synthetic medicine

Yoda: FCC Oversight Hearing Change to Nail 5G Threat — Citizens Urged to Communicate to Congress — US Navy Medical Slams 5G

03 Economy, 06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics

“Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission”

This coming Wednesday, June 12, the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation is holding an Oversight Hearing, and the FCC commissioners are being called-upon to testify.  This is an opportunity to submit questions about the safety of 5G, and to ask why current guidelines have not been updated in 23 years.

Please call and write the members of the Commerce, Science & Transportation committee with the following (suggested) questions for the FCC.  Please do this before Tuesday:

Continue reading “Yoda: FCC Oversight Hearing Change to Nail 5G Threat — Citizens Urged to Communicate to Congress — US Navy Medical Slams 5G”

Yoda: Alt-Market.com on One World Order Global Economic Reset

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

99% can defeat the 1%.  FOCUS!

The Next Stage Of The Engineered Global Economic Reset Has Arrived

I believe the next stage of the economic reset has now begun in 2018 and 2019. In this phase of the globalist created theater, we see the world being torn apart by the “non-cooperation” that Lagarde and the CFR warned us about in 2015. The trade war is swiftly becoming a world economic war drawing in multiple nations on either side. This scenario only benefits the globalists, as it provides perfect cover as they initiate a crash of the historically massive ‘Everything Bubble' which they have spent the last ten years inflating just for this moment.

Continue reading “Yoda: Alt-Market.com on One World Order Global Economic Reset”