Paul Craig Roberts: Erasing History, Diplomacy, Truth, and Life on Earth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Paul Craig Roberts

Erasing History, Diplomacy, Truth, and Life on Earth

One of the reasons that countries fail is that collective memory is continually destroyed as older generations pass away and are replaced by new ones who are disconnected from what came before.

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Astonishingly, neither the Times nor the Post give any credence to the emphatic statement made at least one week before by Bob Woodward—normally considered the most authoritative chronicler of Washington’s political secrets—that after two years of research he had found “no evidence of collusion” between Trump and Russia.

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Rand Clifford: Trump In Assassination Zone over Federal Reserve?

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Trump  Enters the Assassination Zone

Rand Clifford in Veterans Today

All assassinated US presidents shared something as off-limits as it gets, fighting the debt plague of Rothschild central banking;  Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy. And now, Trump has gone on record with:

—  “The Federal Reserve is an unelected cabal of central bankers that is running our economy into the ground, and the only way we are going to fix our long-term economic and financial problems is if we abolish it.”

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Steven Aftergood: CRS on Federalism-Based Limitations on Congressional Power – An Overview

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Steven Aftergood

Federalism-Based Limitations on Congressional Power: An Overview

The U.S. Constitution establishes a system of dual sovereignty between the states and the federal government, with each state having its own government, endowed with all the functions essential to separate and independent existence. Although the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution designates “the Laws of the United States” as “the supreme Law of the Land,” other provisions of the Constitution—as well as legal principles undergirding those provisions—nonetheless prohibit the national government from enacting certain types of laws that impinge upon state sovereignty. The various principles that delineate the proper boundaries between the powers of the federal and state governments are collectively known as “federalism.”

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Robert Steele: Con-Con or Convention of States?

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I feel blessed to have come to the attention of so many thoughtful citizens so deeply committed to restoring the Constitution and ending the travesty of an imperial federal government that taxes, borrows, and prints to sponsor both perpetual war abroad and a police state at home.

Below, as both a down-loadable document and in full text  online, is a very thoughtful overview of why we should be seeking a Convention of States rather than a Constitutional Convention. While I have some defined views on the need to strenthen, modify, and reverse a number of the Amendments, there is absolutely no question but that state sovereignty needs to be restored — the federal government should be a LIMITED service of common concern and it should depend on the STATES for authorization & appropriation of funding.

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Robert Steele: Trump Truth Channel UPDATE Add Donald Trump Junior Tweet on Need for an Alternative & Class Action Lawsuit Against #GoogleGestapo

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

The President needs a truth channel that connects him directly with the 200 million eligible voters in the USA (70% of them blocked from ballot access and meaningful vote). Such a truth channel must combine text messages, emails, posts, videos, and shared documents and must not be subject to censorship, manipulation or digital assassination such as are now common to Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, YouTube, and Wikipedia (known collectively as #GoogleGestapo).

The President can create this truth channel virtually overnight if he will undertake five initiatives in the next 90 days:

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