Robert Steele: Q Anon — Truthers vs. Idiots

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Juan O. Savin (P) noticed the below item and shared it with me suggesting I sue the author (who among other canards calls me a white supremacist).

How “Q” Came To Be

Ex-Military Intelligence people weaponised Conspiracy Theories by using Internet Puzzle Trolls and New-Age Fascists, as part of an Attack on our Society and Truth in General.

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Ed Jewett: The Pandemic Story — Depopulation Through Toxic Vaccines Accepted Because of Inducted Fear — on British TV 2013-2014

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call

I find his logic interesting. And of course this tracks with the Luciferian imperative of always announcing your intentions in advance, failure to resist is complicity by design.

Full text below the fold.

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Yoda: Poverty As a Disease – HUGELY Important Article

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Why Poverty Is Like a Disease

Emerging science is putting the lie to American meritocracy.

Even at this stage, then, we can take a few things away from the science. First, that the stresses of being poor have a biological effect that can last a lifetime. Second, that there is evidence suggesting that these effects may be inheritable, whether it is through impact on the fetus, epigenetic effects, cell subtype effects, or something else.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota: As long as poverty, disease, and war are profit centers for the banks, and govenrments are bribed, blackmailed, and brainwashed into betraying the 99% in favor of the 1%, there will be no remediation.

Charles Hugh Smith: Fatal Synergies, Benign Synergies, Steele Comment

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Charles Hugh Smith

Answering the question, why does one system survive crises and another does not?

The answer lies in what author Geoffrey Parker termed Fatal Synergies and Benign Synergies in his book Global Crisis. 

I think we can distill the difference between Fatal Synergies and Benign Synergies into two questions:

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Q Anon Drops: Satanic Pedophilia Is the Keystone

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader sends in:

Your interview with Scott the other day where you said satanic child pedo is the glue etc…. before I had heard of you I had decoded that as the “keystone”…  a keystone holds every other Stone in place.  Thus is and always has been about saving the children.  I trust the plan.

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Berto Jongman: Assessing National Risk — Everything Considered EXCEPT Treasonous Criminals in Government and Banking

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Interesting for what it does NOT include: the reality that the greatest threat to any society consists of traitors and criminals in positions of power.

National risk assessments: a political vaccine against the next disaster?

Intriguing graphic and comment by Robert Steele below the fold.

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