The UnConstitutional US Government…Itemized

07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Michael Ostrolenk Recommends...

Shut it Down

By Laurence M. Vance

Campaign for Liberty, 05/26/11

Read the entire article….

Phi Beta Iota: Mr. Vance does something we have not seen before.  He enumerates all the parts of government that are unconstitutional, and makes a case for shutting down each in turn.  His final paragraph is especially noteworthy.

Gates Puts Military Pay Cuts on the Table

03 Economy, Budgets & Funding, Cultural Intelligence, Military
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

Why are we not surprised?

Gates Puts Pay Cuts on the Table, May 26, 2011

Terry Howell

Under pres­sure to reduce the DoD bud­get, Defense Sec­re­tary Robert Gates has – until recently – avoided ask­ing for a reduc­tion in mil­i­tary pay and ben­e­fits. How­ever, the Wall Street Jour­nal has reported that increas­ing pres­sure on law­mak­ers to make big­ger cuts in the fed­eral deficit has con­vinced defense bud­get plan­ners that Con­gress is will­ing to look at cut­ting mil­i­tary com­pen­sa­tion.

Since the begin­ning of his term as Sec Def, Gates has avoided ask­ing for mil­i­tary pay freezes or reduc­tions. He has instead sought to reduce the cost of TRICARE by increas­ing annual pre­mi­ums and fees for mil­i­tary retirees and tax­ing their employ­ers if retirees opt-out of employer pro­vided health care. So far his repeated attempts to make major changes to TRICARE have been thwarted by Con­gress – mainly due to pres­sure from groups like the Mil­i­tary Offi­cers Asso­ci­a­tion of Amer­ica.

How­ever, pres­sure from the White House to make $400B in cuts may have forced Gates’ hand. In fact, Sec. Gates reently floated the idea that reduc­ing mil­i­tary com­pen­sa­tion may not be a bad idea. Gates told a group that reduc­ing mil­i­tary pay wouldn’t neg­a­tively impact recruit­ing; point­ing out that even dur­ing the worst of the Iraq war the Army was the only ser­vice that didn’t exceed their recruit­ing and reten­tion goals.

Read full article….

Dennis Kucinich: Impeach Obama for Libya?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Military, Peace Intelligence
Dennis Kucinich

Congress Returns to Town With Demand Obama Get OK on Libya

Fox News,  May 22, 2011

President Obama could be impeached for violating U.S. Constitution and law by going into Libya without congressional consent, but Rep. Dennis Kucinich says he doesn't want to cause that kind of havoc on the Republic, he just wants the United States to get out of Libya's civil war. While many lawmakers in general support the U.S. role in Libya, even if they want the final say on approving military action, Kucinich, D-Ohio, will introduce a joint resolution when Congress returns this week that he says “hopefully will lead us out of this mess that we've waded into in Libya.”

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Kucinich said the U.S. has no business intervening in Libya because it's a civil war. He added that the rebel forces the U.S. and NATO appear to be backing are demonstrating some disturbing behaviors, including “committing some of the same practices that they accused Colonel Qaddafi of.” Beyond that, he added, the whole operation stinks of a bid for the oil fields of Benghazi, where the rebels have set up their stronghold.

Read full article….

See Also:

Looting Libya: Insider View of Reasons for War….

Libya, Water, and War + RECAP

White House skips legal deadline on Libya

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military

White House skips legal deadline on Libya

Salon, 21 May 2011

Military action passes 60-day threshold, but Obama won't seek congressional approval

The White House is skipping a legal deadline to seek congressional authorization of the military action in Libya — but few on the Hill are objecting.

Under the War Powers Resolution of 1973 a president can only send troops into combat for 60 days without congressional mandate. That deadline fell Friday, but in absence of pressure from Congress, White House officials say they think they're on solid ground continuing U.S. involvement in the mission, now led by NATO, without formal congressional sign-off — as long as consultations with Congress continue.

In that spirit President Barack Obama sent a letter to congressional leaders Friday saying U.S. involvement remains critical and welcoming congressional input.

Phi Beta Iota: Unconstitutional, illegal, immoral — business as usual.

IMF Hypocrisy: Ethics for Staff, Not for Board

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
DefDog Recommends....

At I.M.F., a Strict Ethics Code Doesn’t Apply to Top Officials


New York Times, May 29, 2011

At the International Monetary Fund, there is one set of ethics guidelines for the rank-and-file staff and another for the 24 elite executive directors who oversee the powerful organization.

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“There are a lot of controls in place when it comes to the staff, but not for the leadership,” said Katrina Campbell, a compliance and ethics expert at Global Compliance.

Read full article….

To Be Intelligent or Not — The Future of Earth

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Who, Me? banner

May 29, 2011
David Warsh, Proprietor

Now Change the Rest

The Economist was founded in 1843 by James Wilson, a hat manufacturer temporarily brought low by one of global capitalism’s first identifiable business cycles. By a series of courageous re-inventions over 168 years, it has managed to become, and then remain, one of the most influential editorial voices in the world.

It is time for another of those periodic reinventions.

Wilson’s original prospectus announced his determination to take part in “a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.”

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The shift required – one that already has begun under editor John Micklethwait, but one which still has far to go – involves the recognition that the social sciences have begun to integrate concepts of governance, organization and cooperation into the center of their conception of the world, rather than confining them (as they were in The Wealth of Nations) as something of an afterthought to the last section of Smith’s great book.

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota: Brother Penguin has brought forth a very articulate statement on the role of humanity in changing–the the point of catastrophic implosion–the Earth.  While lamenting the lack of responsibility of governments and corporations, the article stops short of recognizing that the challenge is not about governance, which is a process, but rather about information, which is a foundation.  Multinational information-sharing and sense-making among the eight tribes of intelligence is the non-negotiable first step toward illuminating and then eradicating the corruption and waste that is now characteristic of all organizations and individuals that lack integrity.  Everyone has intelligence.  Virtually no one has integrity.  That is where we start.  Integrity in information-sharing and sense-making.