Jean Lievens: Joe Brewer on the Global Transition – 2012 and Beyond

#OSE Open Source Everything, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Toward the Global Transition — 2012 and Beyond


A Time For Bridge-Builders*

It is increasingly clear that the institutions of yesterday are inadequate for the challenges of tomorrow.  Multinational corporations bent toward the myopia of quarterly returns are ill-fit for extended periods of volatility and turbulence.  Centralized governments, with an opacity built in to ensure secrecy, cannot keep pace with the speed-of-light communications of 21st Century internet-based and mobile technologies.  They must be opened up and redesigned with agility and integrity as guiding principles.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

What is needed now is nothing less than the wholesale redesign of civilization.  Our banking institutions must be reconnected to the thriving of human communities.  Our schools and universities must cultivate a creative resilience that enables massive-scale innovation.  Our businesses must produce positive social impacts alongside healthy revenues.  And our governments must successfully provide the supports through which well-being is sustained and spread across the entirety of nations, cities, and villages.

This schematic captures the essence of what is needed:

Read full post with additional graphic.

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Berto Jongman: Synthetic Biology Next Battleground?

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Will synthetic biology become a GM-style battleground?

David Shukman

BBC, 11 July 2013

Will the emerging science of designing and engineering new forms of life receive the same hostile reception as genetically modified food and crops?

This is the question facing the growing community of academic and commercial researchers exploring the potential of synthetic biology.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

For those pioneering this new field, the science offers a whole realm of exhilarating possibilities – dreaming up and building new organisms that will perform exactly what's ordered. It is a vision for taking control of nature.

Synthetic biology is a dimension beyond genetic modification.

While GM involves taking genes from one organism and inserting them in another, synthetic biology involves designing and creating artificial genes and implanting them instead – not just borrowing from the natural world but rewriting it or even reinventing it.

I used virtual reality to try to explain it last year.

At a major conference this week in London – the BioBricks Foundation SB6.0 – excited talk suggested that synthetic biology could become the next big thing in everything from energy to medicines to industry.

Read full article.

Mini-Me: Fracking Causes Earthquakes. Any Questions?

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


U.S. earthquake increase tied to disposal well boom

Wastewater, increasingly injected into deep disposal wells amid the energy boom, appears to be the culprit in an increase in U.S. quakes.


In a study out today that provides the strongest link to date between wastewater wells and quakes, seismologists and geologists say U.S. earthquakes have become roughly five times more common in the past three years. They warn about inadequate monitoring of deep wastewater disposal wells that are setting off these small quakes nationwide.

There are more than 30,000 such deep disposal wells nationwide. They're increasingly used as mile-deep dumping grounds for fluids left over from the more shallow hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” wells responsible for surging U.S. natural gas production. The earthquakes have been linked to the wastewater wells but not the fracking drilling wells themselves.

Read article with large graphic.

BIG EVENT: 31 Jul – 4 Aug Geestmerambacht, The Netherlands OHM2013 — Observe – Hack – Make

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, Hacking, Peace Intelligence


About OHM2013

OHM2013 – Observe. Hack. Make. is a 5-day international outdoor technology and security conference. OHM2013 is currently requesting proposals for content.

A motley bunch of around 3000 hackers, free-thinkers, philosophers, activists, geeks, scientists, artists, creative minds and others will convene from all over the world for this informal meeting of minds to contemplate, reflect, share, criticize, look ahead, code, build, and more.

An otherwise unassuming stretch of land, just 30km (20mi) North of Amsterdam, will be transformed into a colourful oasis of light providing a backdrop for this unique event. It is an immersive experience, with an emphasis on interaction.

The four-yearly Dutch hacker camps provide a very open, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, with a high level of knowledge. The campsite is buzzing with energy, ideas and projects, not least because people from various backgrounds are interacting. It is a non-commercial community event where every visitor is also a volunteer.

Event Home Page and Call for Participation

Maps: OHM GIS – OpenStreetMap – Google Maps

Please Circulate Freely (txt version) (PDF version):

Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: This is legitimate hacking's third wind (ham radio was the first, cyber and social engineering the second). This takes hacking to a new level, with an emphasis on “Do It Yourself” and thus fullfils the guidance from Buckminster Fuller: do not seek to repair a pathologically damaged system, instead create a new system to replace it, and route around the old system.  I have proposed a lecture and a workshop (originally commissioned for the Wales Intelligence Conference in 2013), and am seeking donations to cover travel — estimated $1,500.  I particularly solicit donations for pre-conference and post-conference sessions, in person or via Skype, anywhere in Europe including the UK that will help cover travel including side trips, and perhaps a bit more to support the work of our 501c3.  I am on stand-by for Afghanistan and believe they won't move on replacing the KIA/WIA until September for a 1 October start date.

2013 Intelligence Future — The Third Era of Local to Global Intelligence Robert Steele Overview & Workshop 2.7

See Also:

Public Intelligence 3.6

Steele on Hackers at PBS

Who Is Robert D. Steele?

Anthony Judge: World Futures Conference as Catastrophic Question

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

World Futures Conference as Catastrophic Question
From performance to morphogenesis and transformation

Imagining a future conference from the program
Conferencing: Outside Inside or Inside-Outside?
Fantastic realities of experiential space-time
Conferencing of a higher order: a Quest or an Inquest?
Deconstructing conference communication processes to elicit meta-discourse
Conference communication specifics meriting attention
Questioning as cognitive portal to the future
In quest of the most deadly question
Enabling morphogenesis and transformation through catastrophic questioning
Markings: ¡¿ Question ∞ Answer ?!
Conferencing as putting identity to the question