Berto Jongman: Managing Famine Risk – Linking Early Warning to Early Action

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Chatham House Report
Rob Bailey, April 2013

Report: Managing Famine Risk: Linking Early Warning to Early Action

Executive Summary: Managing Famine Risk: Linking Early Warning to Early Action

  • Despite strong economic growth in many countries of the Horn and Sahel, environmental and demographic changes coupled to low levels of political inclusion and high instability mean that the risk of acute food crises is likely to increase. Conflict and geopolitics act as risk multipliers, meaning that full-blown famine remains a real threat, as was seen most recently in Somalia during 2011.
  • These trends mean unmet humanitarian needs are increasing in the Horn and Sahel despite increasing donor spending. The use of famine Early Warning Systems (EWS) to anticipate and mitigate food crises provides a major opportunity to save more lives, protect more livelihoods, check rising costs and close the widening funding gap.
  • Yet all too often the link between early warning and early action fails and the opportunity to mitigate a gathering crisis is lost. This report considers in detail the various political, institutional and organizational barriers to translating early warning of famine into early action to avert it, and makes recommendations for how these can be overcome.

Project on Translating Early Warning of Food Crises into Early Action.

Chatham House report: Famine risks are badly managed
BBC News, 5 April 2013

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Managing Famine Risk – Linking Early Warning to Early Action”

Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Global Issues and the Future of Our Planet

Earth Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Google Translation:

Uploaded on Mar 7, 2011

Forget the credit crunch, it is not compared with the problems ahead. This says top economist Jeremy Rifkin in an exclusive interview with EénVandaag. …

According to Rifkin, everything depends on the question, how we deal with energy?
We continue to cling to fossil fuel than is the survival of mankind is at stake.
We move towards a sustainable society where everyone self generates and exchanges we have a chance to survive.

He bases his ‘Third Industrial Revolution' on four pillars: (continued after the clip (27 min) and below the line)….

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Global Issues and the Future of Our Planet”

SchwartzReport: Environmental & Food Intelligence CIA Will Never Compute

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude

schwartz reportMore evidence of the degradation of the marine environment. In 20 years natural seafood may be a memory.

Acidic Ocean Hits Pacific Northwest
ERIC NIILER – Chemical & Engineering News

Yet more evidence of environmental degradation. We simply cannot seem to achieve the political will to save the world in which we live, and on which our own wellbeing depends.

Most U.S. Rivers and Streams in Poor Biological Condition
ZACH RAUSNITZ – Fierce Government

The best law money can buy. And you aren't even going to be able to seek redress when your health is damaged.

‘Monsanto Protection Act' Slips Silently Through US Congress
RT (Russia)

Round-Up: Global Trends 2030 at PBI/PBI

Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

2011 Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP

2012 Global Trends 2030: Review by Robert Steele — Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts

Graphic: Global Trends 2030 Elements of Country Power

Graphic: Global Trends 2030 US GDP Comparative Collapse

Graphic: Global Trends 2030 Water Stress

NIGHTWATCH: Restrospective Review of Global Trends 2010

Review: Global Trends 2030 – Alternative Worlds [Paperback, Well Priced]

Review: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds – American Intelligence Agency Report on the Megatrends, Gamechangers, and Black Swans of the Future, the Rise of China, Alternative World Scenarios

Tom Engelhardt: Tough Love Indictment of the US Intelligence Community — Global Trends 2030 as Poster Child for Expensive Idiocy

SchwartzReport: Worst Bee Die-Off in 40 Years — Meanwhile, US Poor Make $2.13 versus Koch Brothers $3 Million an Hour

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

schwartz reportTwo readers, one a beekeeper reader sent me this, the beekeeper saying he had lost over half his hives this year. I found it very depressing. All of this is the result of a few corporations I do not hesitate to call evil. If the bees go, the human race may not be far behind. Yet our government just dithers, our politicians too corrupt to see that this is going to affect them as much as anyone else.

I implore you to plant bee friendly plants in your gardens, and to refrain from using poisons like RoundUp on your lawn. One of every three bites of food that goes into your mouth, and the mouths of your children is dependent on bees, and other winged pollinators.

Worst Bee Die-off in 40 Years
LISA ARCHER – Friends of the Earth

This is America today. City on a shining hill? I don't think so. Unless it is a tiny rich village on the hill, and a world of barrios beneath it.

Five Ugly Extremes of Inequality in America– The Contrasts Will Drop Your Chin to the Floor

SchwartzReport: Shared Vision of Benevelot Future Inspires Reform

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

schwartz reportThis is a study which should be read, and acted upon, by all politicians. People, not surprisingly, want things to get better.

Scientists Find Visions of a Benevolent Future Society Motivate Reform
ERIC W. DOLAN – The Raw Story

Activists, take note: People support reform if they believe the changes will enhance the future character of society, according to a study published online this month in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Namely, people support a future society that fosters the development of warm and moral individuals.

‘There are implications for communication, but also for policies themselves. The ‘easy’ answer would be to promote a policy or cause in terms of how it will make people more warm/moral,” Paul G. Bain of the University of Queensland, the lead author of the study, explained to Raw Story via email. ‘But I think for this to really work it needs to be authentic/real and not just rhetoric – the policies themselves need to promote this.”

Bain, along with four colleagues, sought to explore Noam Chomsky’s dictum that ‘social action must be animated by a vision of a future society” – a proposition they said had not been investigated by social psychologists.

Read full article.

Read full study.