Robert Steele: Solar Minimum, Food Crisis, Failure of Intelligence

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence

Professor Valentina Zharkova: “We Entered the ‘Modern’ Grand Solar Minimum on June 8, 2020”

Zharkova’s latest analysis suggests that a repeat of a Maunder Minimum-style spell of global cooling will run through solar cycles 25–27 (2020–2053).

ROBERT STEELE: This is very important because in combination with all the other depradations against our food supply we could face a real crisis if counter-measures are not devised.  In my view the US Intelligence Community has been an abject failure at combining holistic analytics and true cost economics — it would be too much to expect them to champion Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). I have however changed my view about cutting the IC by 70%. I have instead embraced Bill Golden's view that we need to re-direct the wasted 70% toward Global Coverage, Third World, and Domestic Integrity targets.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Solar Minimum, Food Crisis, Failure of Intelligence”

Anthony Judge: Humanity’s Magic Number as 1.5? Dimensionless constant governing civilization and its potential collapse

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Humanity's Magic Number as 1.5?

Dimensionless constant governing civilization and its potential collapse

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

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Joseph Farrell: Sudden Animal Deaths (One Species Only) – Is Deep State Testing Species-Specific 5G Electromagnetic Kill Rays?

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Earth Intelligence


Sudden Animal Death (SAD) syndrome is remarkable for only ONE species dying in any given area.

That, to my mind, suggests deliberate targeting of that species. After all – and here's today's high octane – if every species has its own unique bio-electric template, and if that signature or template is known, one can modulate an electrical pulse to take out only that species with an electromagnetic pulse.

Read full story.

J. C. Cole: Deep State War on Food Supply

Earth Intelligence

Our food supply is under all out attack. WA and MI have followed CA in mandating COVID-19 testing for farmworkers, which–as we have seen in Ontario–presages their shutting down farms where workers test positive. Depriving farms of harvest labor is unthinkable. More California wildfires expected. Two hurricanes inbound to gulf, rice-producing areas.