Yoda: Butterflies (People) Raised In Captivity Lack Crucial Abilities

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

People are like butterflies — raise them in the context of soft slavery within a nanny state that micro-manages everything badly, and the people (slaves) are subject to disease and lack imagination and local to global navigation skills. Live free or die.

Monarch Butterflies Reared in Captivity Lack a Crucial Ability

Mongoose: FCC Challenged in Court Over Theft, 5G UPDATE: Harvard Report on FCC as Captured Agency

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

Bruce Kushnick and The IRREGULATORS Win First Round Against The FCC. Exposing the $500B Rip-Off Continues.

There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about this long-time corruption other than being ripped off.  It has led Americans to a very dangerous time in history – the “Race for 5G.”

Warnings about widespread 5G deployment have come from:

Continue reading “Mongoose: FCC Challenged in Court Over Theft, 5G UPDATE: Harvard Report on FCC as Captured Agency”