Robert Steele: Privatizing Covert Operations – The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century (Trump Revolution 20)

Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Privatizing Covert Operations

The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century

UPDATE 1: BoingBoing is saying Blackwater also proposed killing Trump enemies within the USA. I doubt this but am asking around.

ORIGINAL (also a Kindle)

If Mike Pompeo wants to commit virtual suicide and end his prospects of being an effective Secretary of State, three recent articles document his death wish – championship of a rogue intelligence network proposed by Erik Prince and beloved by Oliver North – both arguably ripe for indictment for crimes against humanity.[1] If this asinine, unconstitutional, unethical idea survives the week, the President will not recover.

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Johan Galtung: The Transcend Peace Record from 1958

Peace Intelligence
Robert Steele with Johan Galtung

It was my great honor to have lunch with Johan Galtung, the founder of the peace studies and peace practice (honored by all EXCEPT the Nobel Peace Prize Committee).

Below the fold are extracts from the Transcend Peace Record — actual accomplishments of peace in the real world — since 1958.

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Mongoose: Israel Loves ISIS

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence


Despite suggesting no formal alliance between ISIS and Israel, an IDF affiliated think tank Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reports that interests of both ISIS and Israel align, making them allies against Iran.

Mongoose: Is Peter Thiel Dangerous?

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Is there more we need to know about this brilliant, wealthy, and perhaps very powerful man?

Peter Thiel's Apocalypse

Why has the über-elitist Silicon Valley investor joined forces with the über-plebeian Donald Trump? The answer may be scarier than you think.

Extracts and Link to Full Article Below the Fold

Continue reading “Mongoose: Is Peter Thiel Dangerous?”