Zero Hedge: Over 80% Of Black Americans Don’t Want To ‘Abolish Police’

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Over 80% Of Black Americans Don't Want To ‘Abolish Police'

While BLM would have one believe that cops are inherently evil and must be abolished, a new Gallup poll finds that's most minorities in America don't feel that way. Of those surveyed, 61% of Black Americans are just fine with current levels of police presence in their area, while 20% say they want more patrols.

Thierry Meysan: Israel Nukes Beirut (Tactical) UPDATE 3

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Peace Intelligence

Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon

It is not known what weapon was used. However, it has already been tested in Syria since January 2020. It is a missile with a tactical nuclear component in its warhead that causes a smoke mushroom characteristic of nuclear weapons.  Read full article.

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Mongoose: Aga Khan & The Deep State

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

Trafficking of anything (drugs, weapons, humans) and creation of entities involved in it from the beginning always goes back to the same origin: Ismaili and “The Assassins”.

Nobody  will look into the Aga Khan.

If the Queen of England herself, to whom Canada, Australia and 5 other countries swear obedience to, addresses the Aga Khan as “Your Highness”, why isn't anybody looking into it?

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Tom Atlee: Active Appreciation – Evolutionary Change Agent Strategy?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Active Appreciation: A strategy for evolutionary change agents

Appreciation is usually thought of in relatively passive, personal terms, as in “art appreciation”. But I’m beginning to think of it in more active, socially transformational terms. It turns out the several definitions of appreciation can be woven into a focused concept of tremendous potential power. I’ve only begun to explore active appreciation, but the more I appreciate it, the more nuanced and potent it seems to grow…. You aren’t likely to be empowered by what you don’t appreciate.  —Michael Dowd

Read full essay.

Zero Hedge: Pepe Escobar on the South China Sea — China Wins, US Loses, This Is A Good Thing…

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Escobar: The Heart Of The Matter In The South China Sea

Yet “freedom” was never the issue. In imperial terminology, “freedom” means that China must obey and keep the South China Sea open to the US Navy. Well, that’s possible, but you gotta behave. That’ll be the day when the US Navy is “denied” the South China Sea. You don’t need to be Mahan to know that’ll mean the imperial end of ruling the seven seas.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Pepe Escobar on the South China Sea — China Wins, US Loses, This Is A Good Thing…”

Robert Steele: Could the Rule of Law Stop Government Crime? The Lockdown and Masks Particularly, All in Violation of Nuremberg Protocols

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

I am still personally betting on Trump and Barr.  We are in a fight. I would rather die believing in them, than live under the certain reign of  bestiality, pedophilia, and Satanic Ritual Abuse that would come from a Democratic theft of the election.  NOTE: Mail in ballots can be kept within the USPS and validated by Binney & Weibe against social security and USPS data bases under supervision of US Marshalls, counted publicly.  Keep the mail-in ballots for federal elections within the federal system — end of problem.

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Could the Rule of Law Stop Government Crime? The Lockdown and Masks Particularly, All in Violation of Nuremberg Protocols”