Berto Jongman: RAND on Virtual Societal Warfare — Truthful Information –Trusted Information — Is ROOT!

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Social Manipulation in a Changing Information Environment

by Michael J. Mazarr, Ryan Michael Bauer, Abigail Casey, Sarah Heintz, Luke J. Matthew

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Yoda: The Promise of Buddhist Economics

03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look

The Promise of Buddhist Economics

UC Berkeley economist Clair Brown argues for an economic system based on altruism, sustainability, and a meaningful life. Because even economics is about more than money.

In Buddhist economics, happiness is defined by the concept of interconnectedness. All people, all beings, are interdependent with each other and with nature. Happiness comes from making sure people lead comfortable, dignified lives and interact with each other and nature in a meaningful, caring way.

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Henry Makow: Germany Provided USA with Uranium for Bombs and Other Advanced Technologies

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Bormann Supplied Nazi Uranium for US Atom Bombs

The technology transfer was revealed in the book Critical Mass (1998) by Carter Hydrick. The book has largely been ignored because of its inconvenient truth. Also, Hydrick, a meticulous researcher, did not highlight the significance of his findings as I have. Instead, he focused on the details of US atomic bomb production, Bormann's movements, the U-234 logbook, etc. to prove his case.

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Chuck Baldwin: The Religious Right Is A Blight

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Religious Right Is A Blight

The first tarnish on the armor of my mentors in the Religious Right came in 1996, when they overwhelmingly embraced the candidacy of Bob Dole over Pat Buchanan. I was old enough at that point to start standing on my own two feet, and I took that fight to the bitter end. That story, if told in full, is one for the history books—and it forever changed me.

The power elite that control both political parties have completely mastered the Hegelian Dialectic. They have advanced architectural and engineering degrees in the designing and building of the phony left-right paradigm. They are professional propagandists and experts in political manipulation. Tokyo Rose and Joseph Goebbels were rank amateurs compared to these monsters. And Donald Trump is their greatest achievement. He is the Frankenstein who the Religious Right believes is Cinderella.

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Robert Steele: Fox Betrays the President, Shepard Smith Has No Clue, We Need a Conservative News Network

Peace Intelligence

Fox News is now no better than CNN. Shepard Smith, who is probably a script kiddie and does not think for himself, is pushing the Deep State narrative on both the President's movement of 50 US special forces troops out of harm's way, and Turkey's move to establish a Syrian resettlement area.

NEWS FLASH: We are are not abandoning the Kurds — the very limited number of Kurds in Syria — rather we are stopping our tolerance of Zionist Israel's arming of the Kurds and incitement of them against every country in which they live — Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria — all of this alleged Kurdish military activity is actually funded, trained, and equipped by Zionist Israel, and most of those fighting are not Kurds, but rather Israeli-funded multinational mercenaries.

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