BREAKING: Cardinal’s Open Letter to President on Election Being About Good vs. Evil Posted to QPub, Evaluation by Robert David Steele [This Puts Pope and Vatican — 1 of 2 Synagogues of Satan — to Death]

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Open Letter to President Donald Trump

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SGT Report: Free Live Court Access Online Against Google, 9 am PST 2 Nov

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Ethics

Friends, please spread the word!

We the People VS. GOOGLE: NOV 2, 9am PST

The more people on LIVE at 9am PST on Monday, NOV 2nd the better our attorney tells us. Having a large number of people on the link live as the hearing happens, will send a strong message to the Judge about public interest in this potentially landmark free speech/section230 case.

Free online links below the fold.

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Robert Steele: Weak Signals — Suburban Moms for Trump

Civil Society, Ethics, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call

My ‘suburban mom' demographic is supposedly all in for Biden. But I'm voting for Trump.

Two candidates, two very different Americas. For this suburban mom, the choice couldn’t be clearer.

Southern Poverty Law Center on QAnon

QAnon is the umbrella term for a sprawling spiderweb of right-wing internet conspiracy theories with antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ elements that falsely claim the world is run by a secret cabal of pedophiles who worship Satan and are plotting against President Trump. Though some influential individuals are active in the movement, it is not an organized group with defined leadership.

What a contrast.  For a good time on Satanists and murderous pedophiles (look for specific names in the tag cloud) go to  For a good time on asymmetric information operations scripted out for years, start with Let the games comes to their planned conclusion.

Pastor Brown: Robert Steele’s Localized Made in America Open Source Vision

#OSE Open Source Everything, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics

Without a vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 28:18

Implement the Open Source Agency and execute my vision for using Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) combined with holistic analytics and true cost economics for create a localized self-sustainable economy at the county level at a fraction of the cost of the failed globalist model that is 50% waste, 90% profit for the banks, and mostly toxic for the public.

More and more are coming to your vision .. I would say, “God is moving the world to a localized vision” in contrast to the Global new world order vision, which has been a disaster except for the 1%.

Continue reading “Pastor Brown: Robert Steele's Localized Made in America Open Source Vision”