Betty Boop: Aiding & Abetting Illegal Acts by Illegal Aliens is Illegal! Supreme Court May Be About to Nail This Sucker Down! “Sanctuary Cities, Kiss Our Heartland Ass!”

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

The Supreme Court May Criminalize Immigrant Advocacy

The case could let the government prosecute people for routine legal work or even sympathetic tweets.

Phi Beta Iota: Complicity in a crime is itself a crime.  Get it? There is a new sheriff in town, praise the Lord.

SPECIAL: Is Mitt Romney a Mormon Crime Boss & Key to Impeaching the President with a Demand for a Secret Senate Vote that Rallies the RINO Traitors Against the President?

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

My gift is to connect dots.  Sometimes I may get ahead of myself but for the last forty years I have generally been ahead of the US Intelligence Community.  I believe Mitt Romney is facing indictment for Bain Capital being the primary money launderer for the extended Mormon crime family that traffics in white babies and small children as a cash crop, practices pedophilia from the Bishop level on up, and competes with the Bush-Cheney crime family in smuggling drugs.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Is Mitt Romney a Mormon Crime Boss & Key to Impeaching the President with a Demand for a Secret Senate Vote that Rallies the RINO Traitors Against the President?”

Tom Atlee: Citizen Deliberation Small & Large

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

Can a small citizen deliberation have more impact than a giant one?

Among the many trends I see in my work on democratic innovation I highlight two here, one in Canada, one in the US. One was very large, including over 500 registered voters. The other had only 12 citizens. Both demonstrated effective conversations among highly diverse people. One was also a deliberative problem-solving and visioning exercise. One had significant mainstream news coverage. Coverage of the other was innovative almost to the point of revolutionary. In this message I will give you an appreciative comparison of the two – particularly highlighting their size and media coverage – and, in closing, offer questions to consider.

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