Jon Rappoport: Neil Ferguson, Fabricator of the COIVD-19 Models that Wrecked the Global Economy, Resigns from UK Government

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Jon Rappoport

Professor Lockdown, Neil Ferguson, resigns over sex scandal

Neil Ferguson, the historically failed computer modeler, who threw darts at a board, and launched a prediction of 500,000 COVID deaths in the UK and two million in the US, and thereby convinced both governments to opt for extreme lockdowns, has resigned his UK government post.

No word yet whether his backer, Bill Gates, who pours tens of millions of dollars a year into Ferguson’s institute at Imperial College, has turned off the money spigot.

Read full article.

Robert Steele: General Michael Flynn Exonerated — No Pardon Needed — Covington Should Be Sued for $3.5M Full Reimbursement and DoJ Should Indict All DoJ and FBI Traitors Starting with Joe Pientka

Ethics, Government

Breaking: Flynn Case Dropped by Justice Department

Breaking: Mueller Thug Attorney Brandon Van Grack Resigns From Flynn Case, Other Govt Cases After Bombshell Documents Reveal He Hid Brady Material

President Donald Trump: “I Hope a Lot of People Pay a Big Price – Because They Are Crooked, Dishonest People!”

Covington — and Eric Holder — are clearly co-conspirators who should at a minimum be forced to return the $3.5M stolen from General Mike Flynn, and ideally be sanctioned for malicious misrepresentation.

Joe Pientka should be added to the indictment list that should include Lynch, Yates, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Baker, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, and Rice. Obama can be dealt with in other ways.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: General Michael Flynn Exonerated — No Pardon Needed — Covington Should Be Sued for $3.5M Full Reimbursement and DoJ Should Indict All DoJ and FBI Traitors Starting with Joe Pientka”

Gareth Porter: With apparently fabricated nuclear documents, Netanyahu pushed the US towards war with Iran

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government
Gareth Porter

With apparently fabricated nuclear documents, Netanyahu pushed the US towards war with Iran

. . . an investigation of the supposed Iranian nuclear documents by The Grayzone reveals them to be the product of an Israeli disinformation operation that helped trigger the most serious threat of war since the conflict with Iran began nearly four decades ago. This investigation found multiple indications that the story of Mossad’s heist of 50,000 pages of secret nuclear files from Tehran was very likely an elaborate fiction and that the documents were fabricated by the Mossad itself.

Robert Steele: Nobel prize-winning scientist Professor Michael Levitt: “The damage done by lockdown will exceed any savings of lives by a huge factor.”

03 Economy, 06 Family, 11 Society, Ethics, Government

Nobel prize-winning scientist Professor Michael Levitt: “The damage done by lockdown will exceed any savings of lives by a huge factor.”

In defense of our President: do not underestimate the forces of good. As Charles Huges Smith has noted, we have burned down the fraud economy. The way is open to create a new localized self-sustaining economy rooted in family and community values. I am betting our President plans that.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Nobel prize-winning scientist Professor Michael Levitt: “The damage done by lockdown will exceed any savings of lives by a huge factor.””