Stephen E. Arnold: Is “Good Enough” Any Way to Run Anything?

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental
Stephen E. Arnold

The Covidization of Good Enough

I have written numerous times about the zippy young PhD with an attitude. After my talk about declining “findability”, Zippy (not his real name) spoke with me after my talk. He had one point and repeated it to me several times:  “Search is good enough.”

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Stephen E. Arnold: Germany Passes Law — All Digital Data Open to Spies and Cops Without Anyone’s “Knowledge”

Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement
Stephen E. Arnold

Germany Is Getting Serious about Content

If accurate, Germany is moving ahead of the Five Eyes’ group in terms of access to online data. “New German Law Would Force ISPs to Allow Secret Service to Install Trojans on User Devices” reports:

A new law being proposed in Germany would see all 19 federal state intelligence agencies in Germany granted the power to spy on German citizens through the use of Trojans. The new law would force internet service providers (ISPs) to install government hardware at their data centers which would reroute data to law enforcement, and then on to its intended destination so the target is blissfully unaware that their communications and even software updates are being proxied.

State of the Nation: Hoax Alert – Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest Story Does Not Pass the Smell Test

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest Story
Does Not Pass the Smell Test

*So, why would a woman born in France, domiciled in the UK, and with deep connections throughout Israel, situate herself so close to the New York jurisdiction that has had her under serious investigation at least since the time that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself?

Now we are all witnessing Act II of the most captivating crime series since Bonnie and Clyde — “Jeffrey & Ghislaine”. It’s apparently time for Ghislaine to skate.

Continue reading “State of the Nation: Hoax Alert – Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest Story Does Not Pass the Smell Test”

Sidney Powell: Fix Justice, Keep Barr

Corruption, Ethics, Law Enforcement

ROBERT STEELE: I have confirmed that Sidney Powell explicitly respects the serving Attorney General William Barr, and any inference that her profound criticism of the US Justice system is in any way a reflection on the AG is rejected. The President and the AG are fixing justice, however difficult and slow that process may appear to the public.

Additional video below the fold.

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Ed Jewett: USG Fires 54 NIH Researchers Concealing Ties to Chinese Communist Party

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

U.S. National Institutes of Health Fires 54 Researchers As Ongoing Investigation Reveals 93% Failed to Disclose Links to Chinese Communist Party

While 399 researchers were suspected of being on a foreign payroll, the NIH ultimately pursued 189 individuals. 93 percent of those involved in a documented foreign relationship listed China as the “country of foreign support.” One hundred and seventy-five researchers in 27 states and 59 cities were targeted and the average foreign financial investment – either in the form of direct compensation or research grants – was $678,000.