Mongoose: The Israelification of US Domestic Security

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

The Israelification of American domestic security

One of the first comprehensive surveys of Israeli training of US local and federal law enforcement officials.

By Max Blumenthal

ROBERT STEELE:  Read every word.  It is much much worse.  In The Steele Report this coming Monday I will provide my complete appraisal of the various ways in which our domestic security has been totally compromised by the Deep State inclusive of its lead foreign actor partners, Great Britain and Israel. Isreal (Zionism) is not Judaism. The first is evil and will be gone by 2022, the second is a faith that would do well to respect all host countries.

See Especially:

58 Zionist Strikes (Zionism is Not Judaism)

Sidney Powell: John Gleeson is Duplicitous (A Liar) Delivering a Wrap-Up Smear (Defamation with Malice) Against General Mike Flynn

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

Powell Files Stunning Motion Against Gleeson: It’s A ‘wrap-up smear’ against Flynn.

“Amicus is lost down the rabbit hole on the other side of the looking glass— where “nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would,” argues Powell.

Continue reading “Sidney Powell: John Gleeson is Duplicitous (A Liar) Delivering a Wrap-Up Smear (Defamation with Malice) Against General Mike Flynn”

Gareth Porter: FBI Attacks (Deplatforms) Alternative Media Challenging US Foreign Policy (that the Deep State Bribe and Blackmail to Get)

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement

FBI launches open attack on ‘foreign' alternative media outlets challenging US foreign policy

Under FBI orders, Facebook and Google removed American Herald Tribune, an alternative site that publishes US and European writers critical of US foreign policy. The bureau’s justification for the removal was dubious, and it sets a troubling precedent for other critical outlets.

Continue reading “Gareth Porter: FBI Attacks (Deplatforms) Alternative Media Challenging US Foreign Policy (that the Deep State Bribe and Blackmail to Get)”

Veterans Today Combo: Zionist US Army False Flag Terrorism Combined with Minnesota Child Sex Trade Re-Set . . .

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

VT spots Army Intelligence dressed as ANTIFA at protests, Inciting violence

Pedophile Terrorism is Running Rampant in America

Continue reading “Veterans Today Combo: Zionist US Army False Flag Terrorism Combined with Minnesota Child Sex Trade Re-Set . . .”