Robert Steele: NSA’s Contact Mapping

Commerce, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network

Edward Snowden revealed the agency’s phone-record tracking program. But thanks to “precomputed contact chaining,” that database was much more powerful than anyone knew.

ROBERT STEELE: A good read, but only the surface. Fifteen years of dumb phone data and all emails etc. in storage ready to be harvested against Wall Street, traitors, and elite pedophiles. NSA is probably lying to DoJ about not being able to do it.

DefDog: Judge Sullivan Hires A Defense Attorney; FBI Investigates Itself; Could the Deep State be Imploding Over Mike Flynn?

09 Justice, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Judge Emmet Sullivan Hires “High-Powered” DC Lawyer to Represent His Interests in Flynn Case…

The Washington Post headline reads (emphasis mine): “Federal judge hires high-powered D.C. attorney to defend his actions in Flynn case.” Which gives some insight into the framework and purpose of this event, and how it reached the WaPo narrative engineers.

Continue reading “DefDog: Judge Sullivan Hires A Defense Attorney; FBI Investigates Itself; Could the Deep State be Imploding Over Mike Flynn?”

Robert Steele: The Corruption of Justice — Elderly Being Stripped of Their Estates by Crooked Judges — One of Several Forms of “Legalized” Human Trafficking in the USA

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Sidney Powell remains  one of the top authorities on corrupt judges and prosecutors but I have long been concerned by my own observations. Corrupt prosecutors and judges not only enable federal, state, and local officials to lie to the court and abuse victims with impunity, but it is not well known that corrupt judges are complicit in two forms of human trafficking apart from putting blacks and youth in prison for no good reason other than to fill prisons:

Continue reading “Robert Steele: The Corruption of Justice — Elderly Being Stripped of Their Estates by Crooked Judges — One of Several Forms of “Legalized” Human Trafficking in the USA”

Breaking: Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation Directly Accused of Covering Up $100 Trillion in Naked Short Selling Theft by Wall Street, with Complicity of the Obama Administration and the Senate Banking Committee

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call

See All Robert's Videos on Naked Short Selling, the $100 Trillion Crime.

Mongoose: The Railroading of Michael Flynn – How It Happened and Why It Matters

Corruption, Law Enforcement

The Railroading of Michael Flynn

How it happened and why it matters

Eli Lake in Commentary

Just who was the FBI when Comey was its director and Strzok was overseeing the investigation into Flynn and Trump–Russia? Their FBI lied to the surveillance court on multiple occasions and led the public to believe it had a powerful cause to suspect a conspiracy between Trump and Russia when it didn’t have the goods. It not only did “tolerate…improper behavior.” Their FBI exemplified it.

Read full article.