Zero Hedge: Jeffrey [Epstein] and I Had Everyone [Including Bill Gates?] on Videotape, Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Told Friend . .

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Law Enforcement

“Jeffrey And I Had Everyone On Videotape” Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Told Friend

Jeffrey Epstein's alleged ‘madam' told a former acquaintance that she and the now-dead [or happy in witness protection] pedophile had “everything on videotape,” according to The Telegraph.

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Robert Steele: Free Roger Stone — and Impeach the Judge while Abolishing the FBI?

Corruption, Law Enforcement

The below article is the best I have found on the extreme injustice that has befallen my colleague Roger Stone. The FBI is — like the CIA — increasingly a candidate for abolishment. The degree to which they — and Department of Justice officials “licensed to lie” by Barack Obama and the mediocrities he appointed as Attorney General — have subverted justice would in any normal country warrant a firing squad for at least a dozen of the worst offenders.

The Hill: Free Roger Stone

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Free Roger Stone — and Impeach the Judge while Abolishing the FBI?”

SPECIAL: Sidney Powell Hands the FBI Their Ass — Flynn Case is OVER!

Corruption, Law Enforcement

Michael Flynn defense: Suppression of FISA report warrants ‘death penalty' for prosecution

Powell said on Tuesday that “contrary to the government’s response, the IG Report establishes that SSA 1 was chosen and inserted into the presidential briefing for the very purpose of collecting information on Mr. Flynn” and that “this act was outrageous government misconduct that alone warrants dismissal of this prosecution.”

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Sidney Powell Hands the FBI Their Ass — Flynn Case is OVER!”