Mongoose: PedoGate – Update Washington DC Pedophilia

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media


A Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate

Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate

For newcomers to this subject material, it is especially urgent to read this entire “Special Report” so that the Pizzagate lexicon and Pedogate back story can be properly understood.  We also highly recommend the following excellent ebook: PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES for those who are unfamiliar with the Pizzagate back story.

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Mongoose: PedoGate PizzaGate Federal Employees Arrested and Incarcerated for Pedophilia — Congress Refuses to Entertain Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Tip of the Hat to Frank Bacon

State Dept Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet for Journos

Highlights: 01 Hundreds of federal as well as state employees are being caught not just with child porn, but engaged in child abuse; 02 The Department of Justice refuses to track these crimes as a group; 03 Congress refuses to consider the Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act. Lists specific arrests across CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, DOT, TSA, and ICE.

Continue reading “Mongoose: PedoGate PizzaGate Federal Employees Arrested and Incarcerated for Pedophilia — Congress Refuses to Entertain Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act”

Kevin Barrett: NATO Gladio False Flag Campaign Includes Berlin, Russian Ambassador Assassination, NATO Auditor “Suicide,” More to Come….

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Kevin Barrett

Zio-Gladio strikes Europe! Berlin suspect, NATO auditor shot dead

Truck attack solved via yet another “magic ID card”

Exactly one week before today’s police execution of the “Berlin truck terrorist,” NATO’s chief auditor, Yves Chandelon, was found dead in Andenne, Belgium with a bullet in his head. Official story: Suicide due to financial problems.   . . .  Meanwhile in Ankara, mainstream reports claim that the cop who assassinated Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov last week had served on Erdogan’s security detail. This detail, and its highlighting by the Western mainstream press, adds to the case that the assassination was an Operation Gladio job designed to punish Erdogan for cozying up to Russia and accepting a Syrian peace road map with no NATO involvement. High-level Turks and Russians have been pushing this thesis.

Continue reading “Kevin Barrett: NATO Gladio False Flag Campaign Includes Berlin, Russian Ambassador Assassination, NATO Auditor “Suicide,” More to Come….”

Owl: Michel Chossudovsky – Coup Being Led by Banks, Neoconservatives and Military-Industrial Complex Favoring War with Russia — Trump Backed by Main Street and Business Favoring a Foreign Policy of Peace and Commerce

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Electoral College Vote. Towards a December 19 Surprise?

In a previous article entitled Constitutional Crisis, Movement to Undermine President-elect Donald Trump’s Accession to the White House? I focused on the process of confrontation between the Trump and Clinton factions leading up to the Grand Electoral College Vote on December 19th.

We are not dealing with “class conflict”. What is at stake are rivalries, confrontations and deep divisions within the elite structures with regard to America’s global military agenda. While Hillary is the candidate of the US Military Industrial Complex, her hawkish foreign policy agenda does not directly serve the interests of a large segment of corporate America including a sizeable sector of the oil industry.

Continue reading “Owl: Michel Chossudovsky – Coup Being Led by Banks, Neoconservatives and Military-Industrial Complex Favoring War with Russia — Trump Backed by Main Street and Business Favoring a Foreign Policy of Peace and Commerce”

James Comey to Donald Trump: Russians Did Not Influence Election — James Clapper Agrees with Me…

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
James Comey

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

In telephone conversations with Donald Trump, FBI Director James Comey assured the president-elect there was no credible evidence that Russia influenced the outcome of the recent U.S. presidential election by hacking the Democratic National Committee and the emails of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. What’s more, Comey told Trump that James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, agreed with this FBI assessment.

Continue reading “James Comey to Donald Trump: Russians Did Not Influence Election — James Clapper Agrees with Me…”

Mongoose: PropOrNot a Massive Lie (Psychological Operation) Against the Public — Review of US Government Interest in Shutting Down Alternative (Truthful) Media…

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Alternative Media- A Very Serious Threat to the Ruling Elite

PropOrNot has all the hallmarks of an intelligence operation run by the CIA, FBI, or one of a number of other intelligence agencies.

Continue reading “Mongoose: PropOrNot a Massive Lie (Psychological Operation) Against the Public — Review of US Government Interest in Shutting Down Alternative (Truthful) Media…”