Robert Steele: Neil Cavuto (Fox News) and Mike McCaul (R-TX, DHS) Are Bushies — Their Broadcast Just Now Was Defamatory, False, and Reprehensible UPDATE 2 Texas Drug Racket?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Media
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I've known for some time that Fox News is only marginally better than Crap News Network (CNN), but today Neil Cavuto persuaded me that Fox News is part of the Deep State media network and everyone at Fox News is an enemy of the President.

The segment with Mike McCaul (R-TX) who has a role managing the House oversight committee for the Department of Homeland Security (itself a mass surveillance and enforcement arm of the Deep State and the Deep State's Zionist underbelly), was defamatory, false, and reprehensible.

The Russians did not hack the election. The lies put forth by James Clapper and John Brennan and Mike Hayden are not only lies, they are malicious lies with knowledge of falsity and each of those telling such lies should lose their security clearances.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Neil Cavuto (Fox News) and Mike McCaul (R-TX, DHS) Are Bushies — Their Broadcast Just Now Was Defamatory, False, and Reprehensible UPDATE 2 Texas Drug Racket?”

Richard Gage, AIA: Memorandum for the President of the United States: 9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed in the Official Reports

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence

9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed in the Official Reports

17 July 2018

Mr. President:

When you were campaigning for the presidency in Bluffton, South Carolina, on February 15, 2016, you told voters that under your watch they would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” And so we implore you, while you are now involved in exposing FBI corruption, to also investigate the agency’s reluctance to examine the explosive destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers—namely, Buildings 1, 2, and 7—on September 11, 2001. As you know, the events of that day are responsible for much of the worldwide carnage that continues to this day. Thus, 9/11 remains an issue of grave importance to the United States of America.

Continue reading “Richard Gage, AIA: Memorandum for the President of the United States: 9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed in the Official Reports”

Robert Steele: U.S. Attorney Has Received a Petition Demanding 9/11 Investigation

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

Robert Steele: U.S. Attorney Has Received a Petition Demanding 9/11 Investigation

Mr. President,

On 10 April 2018 The non-profit Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry delivered a 54-page petition and its 57 exhibits detailing the evidence that explosives were used to destroy the WTC buildings during the attack on Sept. 11, 2001 to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

The Lawyer’s Committee demands that the U.S. Attorney – who works for you – convene a criminal grand jury. The petition's executive summary and full text are posted on the Lawyers' Committee website, as of April 9.

The petition seeks the first major criminal inquiry on the destruction of the Towers and WTC 7. The petition seeks a formal probe of the evidence. Unlike the 9/11 Commission, which avoided serious investigation in all its forms; and unlike civil suits, a criminal grand jury with the full weight of the U.S. Government behind it can obtain all manner of documents and sworn statements.

The 9/11 Commission, issued a report in July 2004 that left many serious researchers and 9/11 victims' family members complaining about many unanswered questions, especially after significant new evidence arose.

It merits comment that all civil claims related to 9/11 have been settled out of court, with the apparent specific intent of avoiding legal discovery.

Mr. President, the families of 9/11, the first responders of New York City, and the public at large have been lied to for over sixteen years now. You promised to get to the bottom of 9/11. Directing that this petition be honored is something you have the power to do and it will take only one telephone call to the Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions. Can we count on you in this matter?

Very respectfully,
Robert David Steele

DOC (1 Page): 911 POTUS Steele Lawyer Committee Criminal Grand Jury

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Robert David Steele is a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. A published author with many books on intelligence and election reform, some with forewords by US Senators and Congressmen, he is also the top English-language reviewer for non-fiction books, with over 2,500 substantive reviews posted across 98 categories of reading. Today the CeO of Earth Intelligence Network (non-profit) and Open Source Everything, Inc. (for profit), he is committed to creating a truth channel that cannot be censored, manipulated, or used to digitally assassinate conservative or progressive voices. He is the founder of #UNRIG, and also a Commissioner and the Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.

Stephen E. Arnold: Quantum Hype, Quantum Issues with Comment by William Binney

Commerce, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold

THE HYPE: Tomorrow’s Quantum Computers Are Already Threatening Today’s Data (DefenseOne)

MY COMMENTS: Quantum computing is an active research field. Physicists, electrical engineers, programmers, venture capital firms, and manufacturers of exotic instruments are wetting their pants for the next big thing in computing. When money is at stake or available, hyperbole is a “quantum” side effect. The collateral damage is clear thinking.

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Quantum Hype, Quantum Issues with Comment by William Binney”