Betty Boop: James Perloff on The Real Reason for Television – Satan’s Instrument

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Media

The Real Reason There Was a “Golden Age of Television”

The Powers that Be wanted America converted from a Biblical culture to a Talmudic, Kabbalistic one; from a Leave It to Beaver society to a drugged-up, free-sex, no-God Woodstock society. They succeeded; it took only six years (1963-69). And television played its part, incrementally boiling Christian values out of the frog soup.

Berto Jongman: Gary Price Flags Free PDF “False Information on Web and Social Media – A Survey”

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

False Information on Web and Social Media: A Survey

Srijan Kumar, Neil Shah

False information can be created and spread easily through the web and social media platforms, resulting in widespread real-world impact. Characterizing how false information proliferates on social platforms and why it succeeds in deceiving readers are critical to develop efficient detection algorithms and tools for early detection. A recent surge of research in this area has aimed to address the key issues using methods based on feature engineering, graph mining, and information modeling. Majority of the research has primarily focused on two broad categories of false information: opinion-based (e.g., fake reviews), and fact-based (e.g., false news and hoaxes).

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Gary Price Flags Free PDF “False Information on Web and Social Media – A Survey””

Robert Steele: Saluting David Seaman & Fulcrum News

07 Other Atrocities, Ethics, Media

David Seaman is a an original. He made the most of Pizzagate and he is one of the individuals supporting Donald Trump and the campaign against elite pedophilia (pedopredation). I was delighted to have lunch with him in the aftermath of his testimony to the London hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. Those that defame him (such as The Daily Beast, which states as fact the non-existence of the very real global network of child traffickers, many with Satanic intentions, that our Commission is documenting), will have their day in court. I am a subscriber to Fulcrum News ($75 every eleven months) and urge all who can afford to do so to support his righteous endeavor.

Fulcrum News

Stephen E. Arnold: If Facebook is a Tyranny, Governments are Inept at Regulating It… #GoogleGestapo

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold

Regulating Facebook and Unexpected Consequences

After Mark Zuckerberg’s mostly frothy and somewhat entertaining testimonies for Congress and the Senate, what are we left with? Some tea leaves are saying that Facebook will likely be permitted to self regulate.

What happens if governments step in. One commentator worries not just for our privacy, but for society as a whole. We learned more from a recent Guardian story, “Facebook is a Tyranny and Our Government Isn’t Built to Stop it.”

According to the story:  read full post.