Mongoose: Russia Accuses UK of Backing False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria — YET AGAIN….

06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence

Russia accuses UK of backing a false flag chemical attack in Syria

Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement that the jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is “preparing another provocation of the ‘use of chemical weapons’ by Syrian government forces against the peaceful population of the Idlib province.”

He said the group delivered “eight chlorine tanks” to Jisr al-Shughur town in order to “stage” the attack and that these were later taken to a village eight kilometers (5 miles) away.

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Steven Aftergood: CRS: Space Forces Must Be Approved and Funded by Congress PBI: Existing Secret Space Forces are Unconstitutional

Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Military
Steven Aftergood

The Congressional Research Service says that, as a constitutional matter, it will be up to Congress to determine whether and how to reorganize the management of US national security assets in space, and whether to establish a new “space force,” as the Trump Administration has proposed.

“The constitutional framework appears to contemplate that the role of establishing, organizing, regulating, and providing resources for the Armed Forces belongs to Congress, while the President is in charge of commanding the forces Congress has established using the funds Congress has provided,” CRS said in a new publication. See Toward the Creation of a U.S. “Space Force”, CRS In Focus, August 16, 2018.

Phi Beta Iota: This also means that the deep black existing space force, and the deep underground military bases doing exotic things, are unconstitutional as neither were approved by Congress.

Berto Jongman: 9/11 Aftermath – 10,000 Cancer Patients

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Berto Jongman

The day after 9/11 the President told everyone it was safe to return to New York City. He was wrong.

REVEALED: Nearly 10,000 people have suffered cancers linked to toxic dust from asbestos, jet fuel, cement and glass shards caused by 9/11

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Mongoose: Directed Energy Weapons and 9/11 Twin Towers…

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Military

See Especially:

Judy Wood by Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Twin Towers Were Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons

See Also:

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep State Truth!

Berto Jongman: Laurence Kotlikoff – “Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion in Spending” [On Deep State Projects Including Secret Space and Underground Mind Control Facilities]?

Corruption, Government, Military
Berto Jongman

Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending?

This column is co-authored with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University.

In our prior column, Mark and I wrote about $21 trillion in unaccounted government transactions, primarily on defense. The DOD's (Department of Defense) as well as HUD's (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Offices of Inspector General (OIG) reference these transactions as “unsupported journal voucher adjustments.” This is polite accounting language for lost, hidden or stolen money. If such “adjustments” were small, it would be one thing. But they totaled some $21 trillion between 1998 and 2015!

. . .

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Laurence Kotlikoff – “Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion in Spending” [On Deep State Projects Including Secret Space and Underground Mind Control Facilities]?”

Preston James: Mind Control & Other New Technologies

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Preston James

Developing, Mastering and Weaponizing new technology to control you

Not only has the Ruling Cabal deployed its newly developed high technology to spy on us all, but has weaponized it to entrain the minds of the masses to conform to their Globalist NWO Agenda and policies.

Continue reading “Preston James: Mind Control & Other New Technologies”

Berto Jongman: NSA Domestic USA Spying Timeline

Corruption, Government, Military
Berto Jongman

NSA Surveillance History from December 15, 1791 through November, 9 2015.  This timeline is no longer maintained and is provided here for historical reference.

The information found in this timeline is based on the Summary of Evidence we submitted to the court in Jewel v. National Security Agency (NSA). It is intended to recall all the credible accounts and information of the NSA's domestic spying program found in the media, official government statements and reports, and court actions. The timeline includes leaked documents, first published by the Guardian in June 2013, that confirmed the domestic spying by the NSA, as well as accounts based on unnamed government officials