Vincent Stewart: DIA Is Irrelevant (and Dysfunctional)

Ineptitude, Military
MajGen (P) Vincent Stewart, USMC

DIA Chief Fears Agency Becoming Irrelevant

The director of the Defense Intelligence Agency likened his own organization to the film company Kodak after it declared bankruptcy for failing to change with the times.

In a June 7 speech seemingly aimed at his workforce of some 16,000 personnel, Marine Corps Gen. Vincent R. Stewart said, “We are not indispensable unless we are relevant to our customers.”

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Mongoose: Do Herbert McMaster & Gary Cohn “Own” Donald Trump? When Do These Traitors Get Fired?

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military

McMaster and Cohn are full of shit — are they the Deep State controllers of our legitimately-elected President? Time to clean house.

AMERICA FIRST, NOT ALONE: Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster is leading the charge in defending the president’s performance on the world stage, in particular his last stop in Europe where Trump ruffled some feathers and bruised a few egos of some of America’s closest allies, notably Germany. The national security adviser, in a joint op-ed in the Wall Street Journal with Gary Cohn, director of the National Economic Council, writes: “America will not lead from behind. This administration will restore confidence in American leadership as we serve the American people. America First does not mean America alone.”

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SPECIAL: Jared Kushner Working for Israel to Enable Saudi Arabian Nuclear Attack Against Iran UPDATE 3: Trump May Be Gaming Zionists & Saudis, Pence to Go?

Government, Idiocy, Military, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: I have learned from a person I trust that Jared Kushner is being used by Israel to rapidly enable Saudi Arabian nuclear attack capability against Iran. In his recent call to the Lockheed CEO asking for a 12% discount (it should have been 50%) on Lockheed's missile defense system, Kushner was overheard discussing the arming of the Saudis with nuclear missiles with what sounded like an Israeli intelligence officer.  UPDATE 3: President may be gaming the Zionists and Saudis. Mike Pence could be fired. Oh joy!

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Robert Parry: The Soft Coup by the Deep State Against Donald Trump Continues…

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
Robert Parry

The ‘Soft Coup’ of Russia-gate

Special Report: The Russia-gate hysteria has grown stronger after President Trump’s firing of FBI Director Comey, but the bigger question is whether an American “soft coup” is in the works, reports Robert Parry.

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Mongoose: German lieutenant who posed as refugee in ‘false flag’ terror plot could be part of neo-Nazi army network UPDATE 1

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Military, Peace Intelligence

German lieutenant who posed as refugee in ‘false flag' terror plot could be part of neo-Nazi army network

A cell of suspected right-wing extremists operating within the German army are being investigated as the probe into an alleged terror plot widens.

Prosecutors are investigating a group of up to five people surrounding a soldier accused of posing as a Syrian refugee to carry out a “false flag” attack.

If the plan had succeeded, his fingerprints would have registered on the refugee records system and led investigators to his false identity as a Syrian asylum seeker, turning fresh scrutiny on migrants in Germany.

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Antechinus: America Is Going to War as a Financial Gimmick

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military

America’s financial war strategy

A 2015 paper by Major-General Qiao Liang says the US’s renewed desire to escalate military tensions is a front for America’s continual financial war using the ‘pump and dump' cycle. Trump now realises the only way his presidency can prosper is by to encourage capital flight into America from abroad by this means, and have the debt limit raised to accommodate it. Awareness of this thesis, and China's moves to a gold based commodities exchange, is likely to undermine the US economic strategy. America must be careful not to bring forth the date of her own demise by attacking North Korea, Syria, or Iran.