Del Spurlock: Army Recruits Arrive Knowing Less

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Military, Officers Call
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

Susanne M. Schafer of Associated Press offers a useful perspective on how Army recruits are changing and how the Army is changing to accommodate lower levels of knowledge about what used to be “basic.”

Fewer orders, more coaching: Army rookies learn to fire guns

As gun ownership drops among young Americans and the Army trains a generation more accustomed to blasting out emojis on cellphones than taking aim at targets, drill sergeants are confronting a new challenge: More than half of raw recruits have never held, let alone fired, a weapon.

Phi Beta Iota: Apart from only 1% of youth being eligible for the Army because the other 99% suffer from a broad range of disqualifying conditions including obesity, now we are realizing that new Army recruits simply don't know what past generations knew. A fresh look is needed at the relationship between the Army, education, and society. There may be roles for the Boy Scouts of America and the National Rifle Association — we have lost our foundation for a strong Army.

Del Spurlock: Fat Army, Fat Public, Weak Nation

Cultural Intelligence, Military
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

Obesity in the Army

About a third of American adults are considered obese, having a Body Mass Index greater than 30 (BMI is calculated using height and weight), and 18% of American teenagers are considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 2010, a group of retired military leaders warned that 27% of young adults (a total of nine million), ages 17 to 24, are unfit for service because they are too fat. “This is a national security issue,” a spokesman for the group said. “We are having difficulty recruiting from the civilian population.”

Continue reading “Del Spurlock: Fat Army, Fat Public, Weak Nation”

Del Spurlock: Mary McGrory on Telling Off The President About the Squandering of Black Youth Development

Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government, Military
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

Telling Off The President

Mary McGrory, The Washington Post, May 19, 1992

Speaking truth to power, once the province of courageous Old Testament prophets, is becoming the custom of the country. Just about everyone George Bush meets these days tells him off.

Bush asked for this by his clumsy partisan response to the upheaval that followed the Rodney G. King verdict. He blamed it all on Lyndon B. Johnson. Any fool knows that a man who kicks a casket at such a moment in the life of the nation has not a clue about what to do.

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Yoda: Defense Analysis Best Case…

Advanced Cyber/IO, Government, Military

jfq-vince-stewartTransforming Defense Analysis

By Catherine Johnston, Elmo C. Wright, Jr., Jessica Bice, Jennifer Almendarez, and Linwood Creekmore | Joint Forces Quarterly, October 01, 2015

Object-based production is a concept being implemented as a whole-of-community initiative that fundamentally changes the way the IC organizes information and intelligence. Reduced to its simplest terms, OBP creates a conceptual “object” for people, places, and things and then uses that object as a “bucket” to store all information and intelligence produced about those people, places, and things. The object becomes the single point of convergence for all information and intelligence produced about a topic of interest to intelligence professionals. By extension, the objects also become the launching point to discover information and intelligence. Hence, OBP is not a tool or a technology, but a deliberate way of doing business.

PDF (7 Pages): Transforming Defense Analysis

Del Spurlock: Soldiers, Students, Workers

Government, Military
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

Soldiers, Students, Workers

The Washington Post, May 2, 1989

The approach of a new century has a way of focusing our attention on even the most ignored problems. We want to “clean up our act” by the year 2000 in a host of ways. None is more important than producing competence in the work place. Years of marginally effective education and training programs have failed to develop a work force permitting us to compete effectively in world markets.

Yet even when we develop successful “manpower” programs, we seem incapable of taking advantage of them. Military training, especially skill training, is an example. We now have the opportunity to take advantage of military training to benefit the entire society.

Continue reading “Del Spurlock: Soldiers, Students, Workers”

9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 9/11 research, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
9/11 Time to Indict Dick Cheney
9/11 by Dick Cheney

Phi Beta Iota: It is not possible to be a fully effective professional if you are not able to question official narratives and blatant lies told by official personalities. It is now known that Dick Cheney “took over” the 9/11 plot hatched by the Zionist government of Israel (not to be confused with the sane loyal Jews everywhere including Israel).

It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria, while at the same time extending the military-industrial complex to create a police state that is no longer focused on community needs or peace but rather on mass surveillance, and spending as much money as possible to no good end.

Additional commentary and a structured index of 9/11 coverage by multiple contributing editors are provided below the fold. Here are the categories for the many links below:

  • Top-Level Overviews
  • 9/11 An Inside Job?
  • 9/11 and Gold War Against Russia + Insider Trading
  • 9/11 and Zionist Israel (Absolving All Jews)
  • Saudis Did Not Do 9/11 (and the Last Bin Laden Was a Fake)
  • 9/11 Truth Movement / 9/11 as Wake-Up Call for Public?
  • 9/11 Repression of Truth Movement — Denial, Fear, Lies & Murder
  • Aftermath of 9/11 – Endless War & True Cost
  • Aftermath of 9/11 – False Flags as Routine

Continue reading “9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota”