Robert Steele: Freeing Special Forces from Conventional Forces And Empowering Them with D3C and OSINT

Ethics, Military, Strategy

Purge: Spec-Ops Command Now Equal to Other Military Branches & Reports Directly to Trump’s SecDef

USDI has the right idea, but it is going to be a real challenge to free SOF not just from the conventional forces, but from the double-burden of all the embedded conventional uniformed and civilian “leaders” combined with all the young “boots” that were — against all dictates of past experience — taken into SOF without proving themselves to the SGT level in conventional forces.

My book,  Reinventing National Security, treated SOF as a separate force and found SOF wanting in many respects in part because conventional minds have taken over SOF and SOF drank  the secret IC kool-aid.

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Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, Special Forces Have Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

I can confirm from multiple sources with proven access to President Donald Trump that President Trump will not concede and that he has all the evidence he needs to fry the Deep State financial, political, and media miscreants.

Just as I was writing the above, Ed Jewett came in with the below.  It is a game changer.  Somewhere in here Angla Merkle must have “made the deal” with our President.

#Breaking #BreakingNews
People on the ground in #Germany report that #Scytl, hosting YOUR elections data Improperly through #Spain, was raided by a large #USARMY force & their Servers were Seized in Frankfurt. Scytl Bankrupt
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Ron Paul: Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer – Col USA (Ret) Doug Macgregor Moves to Pentagon

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer

In what may go down in history as a tragic example of “a day late and a dollar short,” President Trump today named US combat veteran Col. Douglas Macgregor to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.  Read full article.

Continue reading “Ron Paul: Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer – Col USA (Ret) Doug Macgregor Moves to Pentagon”

Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military



Click image to go to video

Continue reading “Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)”

Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?

Civil Society, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

All my indicators suggest that President Trump will NOT need the insurrection act but firing Mark Esper, as big a pussy as Leon Panetta, was a necessary pre-condition to keeping that option open. The US Marine Corps is ALWAYS available to the President, ALWAYS exempt from Posse Comitatus restrictions. Intelligence readers will remember the USMC protecting the US mail from  thieves. Voting fraud on a massive scale has occurred. Sixteen states will be brought before the US Supreme Court — many of those states will self-police, with legislators demanding state criminal proceedings against Dominion, its local criminal allies, and the criminals behind its designed in criminal fraud — George Soros and “Lord” Mark Malloch Brown.

Below Q graphics from an Alert Reader.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?”

DefDog: The Latest Greatest Special Operations Toy

Ethics, Military

James Bond is a pussy.  This is how real men roll.

This Wild $9 Million Water Vessel Transforms From Speedboat to Submarine in Two Minutes

The project came about five years ago, with the meeting of minds of military veterans and underwater pilots. “It’s the most advanced craft of its type,” says Verney. “The two-minute transition time between surface and subsurface is groundbreaking. We’ve also mastered fly-by-wire sophistication to reduce pilot load.”

Read full article with graphics.