Mongoose: US Navy Director of Naval Intelligence Barred from Seeing Classified — No One Cares — Classified Irrelevant?

Idiocy, Military

Only in America. The criminal irresponsibility continues.

The admiral in charge of Navy intelligence has not been allowed to see military secrets for years

For more than two years, the Navy’s intelligence chief has been stuck with a major handicap: He’s not allowed to know any secrets. Vice Adm. Ted “Twig” Branch has been barred from reading, seeing or hearing classified information since November 2013, when the Navy learned from the Justice Department that his name had surfaced in a giant corruption investigation involving a foreign defense contractor and scores of Navy personnel.

Faded Rose: 2012 DIA Document on Rise of Islamic State

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Peace Intelligence

faded roseThe document shows that as early as 2012, U.S. intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a U.S. strategic asset.

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”

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Antechinus: Citizens as Enemies in Navy Seal Domestic Exercises

Idiocy, Military

US Citizens as Pawns in Navy Domestic War Games

United States Navy SEALs plan war games in the state of Washington from January 14 to be ongoing for the next two years, where they would encroach upon residential areas, state parks, national parks, etc, without Federal approvals or consent of the public. The war games treat citizens as pawns because SEALs were told to react to citizens as potential terrorists.

Steven Aftergood: US Army Intelligence Support to Urban Operations

IO Impotency, Military
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

Intelligence Support to Urban Military Operations

To the eyes of a military planner, a city presents “an elaborate combination of horizontal, vertical, interior, and exterior forms superimposed on a landscape’s natural relief, drainage, and vegetation.” A newly reissued U.S. Army manual contemplates the difficulties facing military action in the urban environment with a focus on intelligence collection. See Intelligence Support to Urban Operations, TC 2-91.4, December 2015.   Read additional extracts.

Berto Jongman: Symour Hersh Deep Look at Obama versus the US Military on Syria

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Military to Military

Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war

‘If Assad fails,’ Lin wrote in a paper published in September, ‘jihadi fighters from Russia’s Chechnya, China’s Xinjiang and India’s Kashmir will then turn their eyes towards the home front to continue jihad, supported by a new and well-sourced Syrian operating base in the heart of the Middle East.’

Mongoose: ISIS Leader “We Are Funded By The Obama Administration”

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call

ISIS Leader: We Are Funded By The Obama Administration

Yousaf al Salafi, a man believed to be the Pakistani commander of Islamic State (ISIS), claims that  confessed that he has been receiving money through the United States. Al-Salafi made his claims during an interrogation by the Pakistani government. Salafi confessed that he “received money to recruit young people to fight in Syria and that the United States paid him $600 a head for anyone that joined.” Michael Flynn, former director of Obama’s Defense Intelligence Agency, said in the months following al Salafi’s admission that he warned the Obama administration three years ago that the groups they were funding in Syria were actually Islamic jihadists.

Continue reading “Mongoose: ISIS Leader “We Are Funded By The Obama Administration””

CounterPunch: Big Expense, Bad Policy, Bad Ethics: U.S. Military Bases Abroad

Corruption, Military, Officers Call

counterpunch squareBad Policy, Bad Ethics: U.S. Military Bases Abroad


Military spending now accounts for 54% of discretionary spending in the entire federal budget ($599 billion of $1.1 trillion). Vine calculates that overseas bases account for anywhere between $71 – $120 billion of military spending. That is to say, bases abroad cost as much as four times the amount spent on Social Security, Unemployment & Labor ($29 billion); nearly twice as much as Housing and Community ($63 billion); four times as much as Science ($30 billion); and 1.7 times as much as Education ($70 billion).