John Whitehead: Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

Cultural Intelligence, Government


John Whitehead

Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

It is time to recalibrate the government.

For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

We are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs.

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Joachim Hagopian: The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity

Academia, Commerce, Government

The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity

When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death.                  David Martin, PhD., intellectual property-patent expert, U. of Virginia School of Medicine professor[1]

Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled “The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods. An Unknown and Uncertain Future.”[2] Aside from all-out manmade nuclear war or cataclysmic natural disasters such as enormous volcanic eruptions, large meteors colliding with earth or another Planet X pass-by,[3] the globalists’ latest fast kill method – promised for years by the ambassador of doom and gloom himself Bill Gates,[4] is now unfolding at breakneck speed.

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DefDog: FDA Announces That CDC’s PCR Test FAILED Review, Will Have Emergency Use Authorization REVOKED

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government

FDA Announces That CDC’s PCR Test FAILED Review, Will Have Emergency Use Authorization REVOKED

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced this week that its PCR test has failed its full review and will have its Emergency Use Authorization revoked.

The Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test, the CDC’s benchmark COVID diagnostic testing system, will be withdrawn for Emergency Use by the end of 2021 due to an inordinate frequency of false positive and negative results.

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Robert Steele: DefenseOne Again Disgraces Itself on OSINT

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military

Promote Open Source to a Full Member of the Intelligence Community

The exploitation of publicly or commercially available information must be recognized alongside spies, signals intelligence, and other established branches of practice.

ROBERT STEELE: Are the authors of this piece, and the editors that approved its publication, truly unaware of my past?

Reference: The Mis-Information Dozen (Liars & Traitors Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?)

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Government


All the facts on these dirtier dozen:

• Dr. Anthony Fauci: 80-year-old director of the NIH’s division of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
• Dr. Robert Redfield: Ex-CDC director under Operation Warp Speed
• Klaus Schwab: Author of “Davos Manifesto” and “4th Industrial Revolution”
• Bill Gates: Computer virus whore turned vaccine pusher billionaire

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