Matt Ehret: How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years

Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media, Non-Governmental

How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years

What is Nature Magazine exactly? Is it truly an “objective” platform for pure scientific research untainted by the filth of political agendas? Is this standard-bearer of “proper method”, which can make or break the career of any scientist, truly the scientific journal it claims to be or is there something darker to be discovered?

As I presented a part of this story in my previous instalment in this series The Rise of Optical Biophysics and Clash of the Two Sciences, a very old battle has been waged around political systems but also what sort of scientific paradigms will shape our future.

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James Fetzer: John C. A. Manely on 20 Reasons Mandatory Facemakes are Treason and a High Crime Against the Public

07 Health, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Media
Jim Fetzer

John C. A. Manley, 20 Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral

1. Cavities 2. Facial Deformities 3. Acne Vulgaris 4. Increased Risk of COVID-19 5. Bacterial Pneumonia 6. Immune Suppressing 7. Germophopia 8. Toxic 9. Psychologically Harmful

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Mongoose: Swiss Will Vote in Referendum on Government’s Emergency COVID-19 Measures

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government

Swiss Will Vote in Referendum on Government’s Emergency COVID-19 Measures

After mounting a national campaign, and the work of determined local organisations, Swiss campaigners have managed to trigger a referendum for ending the government’s destructive COVID regulations. If successful, this will also be a blow for the extremists at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, who have been pushing the idea of a global economic shutdown since the beginning of the alleged ‘global pandemic.’

Among other things, the peoples’ revolt is pushing back against the government’s coercive attempt to enforce a “compulsory system with poorly tested vaccines.”

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Robert Steele: FBI SWAT Team Against a Doctor Truther? Does FBI Have a Death Wish?

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

Frontline Doctor Simone Gold: FBI ‘Broke Down My Door’ In Swat Team Raid Of 20 Men. Must See Simone Gold Interview With Michelle Malkin On Stop Medical Discrimination!

ROBERT STEELE: I weep for the FBI. Founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail; castrated by Congress to prevent future Abscams, this organization is now a fucking joke, dangerous to itself and to society.