James Fetzer: 500,000 FAKE DEATHS! Rebuttal by The Anti-New York Times

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Media
Jim Fetzer

500,000 FAKE DEATHS! Rebuttal by The Anti-New York Times

About 9 months ago, the “Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times warned its readership that because there is a constant fresh supply of dead bodies from various causes — 2.9 million per year in the United States to be precise — “deaths” attributed to phony “flares-ups,”  “second waves”  and “variants” ™ of Stupid-19 would be about as easy to conjure up as the opening or closing of a water spigot. Now, exactly one year into the great Globalist Scamdemic, the felonious faucet of fatality has pumped up the “national death toll”  to 500,000, and counting. How was this sickening sleight of hand achieved? The methods were surprisingly simple.

Read full article.

Eagle: Electric Vehicles Are Not Sustainable – 60 – 1 Loss Ratio on Battery Energy

Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Ineptitude
300 Million Talons…

Alert Reader writes in.

It takes 60kw to produce 1kw of lithium battery capacity.

Sustainable electric eehicles demand that we use less neodymium, cobalt and lithium.

To say that we, as a society, are complicit in gross negligence by buying today's 1.5 to 3 tonne Electric vehicles would be a massive understatement of the first order.

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