Mongoose: Jeffrey Prather Unleashed — on Dominion Fraud, China Role

Commerce, Corruption, Government

Alert Reader provides summary of a YouTube  we will not post but can liink to.


Does anybody find it odd that the Dominion voting machines were moved to Nashville this past week and audited by AT&T, which just so happens to be the place where the bombing happened?

Jeffrey Prather lays out the motives, the means and the actors involved in the election fraud and in the attendant Nashville bombing. Prather is a veteran of the DEA and the 4th Psychological Operations Group in the Army Special Forces and in his judgement and that of his colleagues, the device used in the Nashville attack was a 250 lbs Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) deployed by the MQ9 Reaper drone preferred by the CIA.

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Zero Hedge: Top Ten Censored Stories of 2020

Corruption, Media

The Top 10 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

Authored by Frank Miele via,

  1. Election Fraud
  2. Hunter Biden's Laptop
  3. Trump's Vaccine Victory
  4. Hydrochloroquine
  5. Mysterious Mutating Lockdowns
  6. The communist links to antifa and Black Lives Matter
  7. how the Russian hoax was exposed but left unpunished;
  8. how the policies of governor in New York state led to thousands of COVID deaths in nursing homes;
  9. the successful campaign of billionaire George Soros to subvert American jurisprudence by electing pro-criminal district attorneys;
  10. and of course the suppression of news itself.

Read full article.

BONUS Cartoon from Ben Garrison below the fold.

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