Wayne Madsen: Snowden Had Help — CIA vs NSA Story Gains Traction

Corruption, Government, Military
Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen

Snowden was not alone: CIA faction behind leak of NSA document trove

February 15-17, 2014

Sources within the U.S. intelligence community have told WMR, on the condition of anonymity, that National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden gained access to and released tens of thousands of classified NSA documents because a faction within the Central Intelligence Agency was growing increasingly alarmed over the massive surveillance system controlled by NSA. In many cases, highly compartmented CIA covert operations abroad were made known to NSA because of the ability of the signals intelligence and cyber warfare agency to monitor full spectrum digital communications worldwide, including those of the CIA.

A group of active and retired CIA officers, in addition to CIA contractors, set out to expose the NSA's massive surveillance operations, as well as those of its foreign partners. Snowden, a former CIA employee who worked for the joint NSA-CIA Special Collection Service in Geneva, Switzerland as an official cover CIA employee attached to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations and in Misawa, Japan under non-official cover with Dell Computer and Booz Allen Hamilton, was chosen by the CIA faction as the person best positioned to collect NSA documents and leak them to the media.

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Berto Jongman: Banking Suicides Continue…along with Resignations, Arrests, and Retirements

Commerce, Corruption
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Yet Another Trader Suicide Rocks Financial World

At least nine sudden deaths within last 7 weeks

Paul Joseph Watson
March 13, 2014

The financial world has been rocked by the news of yet another suicide after 47-year-old Manhattan trader Edmund Reilly jumped in front of a Long Island Rail Road commuter train on Tuesday morning.

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Berto Jongman: NSA Malware for Millions of Computers

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

NSA Malware Designed to Infect Millions of Computers

Berto Jongman: Florida Makes It Illegal to Live Sustainably

05 Energy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

As you would say, “we do not make this up.”

Florida Makes Off-Grid Living Illegal – Mandates All Homes Must Be Connected To An Electricity Grid

It’s no secret that an opposition to sustainable living exists. Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to a sustainable community and threatened to shut it down. Each one of the community members were initially handcuffed at gunpoint. It was called “The Garden of Eden Community,” and was totally self sustainable. You can read more about that here.

off gridThis time, it’s Robin Speronis that’s come under fire. She lives off the grid in Florida, completely independent of the city’s water and electric system. A few weeks ago, officials ruled her off-grid home illegal. Officials cited the International Property Maintenance Code, which mandates that homes be connected to an electricity grid and a running water source. That’s just like saying our dependency on corporations isn’t even a choice. The battle to live without most utilities has been ongoing for Robin, the self-sufficient woman has lived for more than a year and a half using solar energy, a propane camping stove and rain water.

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Berto Jongman: YouTube (14:46) NSA Deceptions & Lies Pre- and Post- 9/11

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

This is a MUST WATCH. Includes NSA spying on Secretary of State Colin Powell, pre-Senator Barack Obama, specific generals including Petraeus, and specific Supreme Court Justices as well as specific lawyers across the country. Begins with segment in which General Mike Hayden, then Director of NSA, is shown actively lying, with malice aforethought, to a nation-wide audience on television.

Concludes with growing national movement to shut down provision of local water to any NSA facility, the OFF NOW campaign; while also forbidding any NSA data being used in state and local courts; kicking NSA out of all state academic and research universties; and terminating state contracts with any corporations holding contracts with NSA.

See Also:

Assange to SXSW: We're all being watched

Snowden @ Phi Beta Iota

Stephen A. Arnold: MIC, RAC, ZPIC Screw Over Data.gov and get away with it

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Data.gov: Listing May Be Enough

I am all for slipshod work, particularly when delivered by government contractors. Hey, the emphasis is on scope changes and engineering change orders, not on delivering what the wild and crazy statement of work requires.

I was delighted to read the Hacker News thread at http://bit.ly/MW4epC about broken links and missing data sets on Data.gov at www.data.gov. The thread contains a number of interesting comments. These may be evidence that substandard attention to detail suggests digital eczema. Just Bing it.

Examples range from corrected links that fail to odd ball outputs. See, for example, http://1.usa.gov/1qiegkT. There are some gems in the comments; for instance, http://1.usa.gov/1lI1Fqj.

In the early days of www.firstgov.gov, some effort was expended to minimize the number of dead links on US government servers. In the present incarnation as www.usa.gov, there are some interesting changes.

Continue reading “Stephen A. Arnold: MIC, RAC, ZPIC Screw Over Data.gov and get away with it”

Berto Jongman: Full Text of Edward Snowden Testimony to European Parliament

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

PDF (12 Pages): Introductory Statement & Answer to Questions


00 The included links are a “best of the best” selection of media stories.

01 EU security agencies have created a bazaar allowing NSA to get it all.

02 There are many other undisclosed programs.

03 According to Snowden, at least ten specific individuals are liable for failing to act on his alarm — those names are being withheld by Booz Allen and the various US agencies and Snowden has not named them himself.

04 “The culture within the US Intelligence Community is such that reporting serious concerns about the legality or propriety of programs is much more likely to result in your being flagged as a troublemaker than to result in substantive reform.”

05 Oversight focuses on limiting public discovery rather than on enforcing the limits of the law.

06 Indiscrinate economic intelligence is the true purpose of such technical collection programs as do work.

07 Defensive intelligence is more important to democracies than offensive intelligence — NSA and GCHQ have been obsessing on offensive intelligence (economic and political espionage) in what they process, while continuing indiscriminate mass surveillance that does not appear to have been processed, only stored against future possible exploitation.

Full Text with Links Below the Line

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