Robin Good: Beyond Google Evil Lie Individual Human Curators

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, IO Impotency
Robin Good
Visit Robin Good @

The future of search may not just be about Google and Bing. In the future of search, believe it or not, there are going to be a lot of people like you and me who will be providing much more helpful information guidance to specific requests than Google could ever do. I know this sounds probably unrealistic to you, but I think there are now many good indications that this likely going to happen much sooner than you expect. One of the key reasons why, human beings will start to reclaim this highly valuable search territory, is the fact that in the last few years we have slowly but deeply surrendered our ability to evaluate, decide and select what is “real” to Google's own algorithms, in ways that can only be detrimental to us.

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Marcus Aurelius: Congress Favors Corrupt Weapons Systems Over Honorable People…Again — What Role for DIA? Plus Comments

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Nonpartisan my ass!

CBO suggests tough defense spending cuts

By Patricia Kime
Staff writer

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has proposed six ways to reduce defense spending ranging from deep cuts to the military services to controversial reductions in pay and benefits.

In a presentation Tuesday before a group of retired and current government personnel and federal budget experts, CBO senior analyst Carla Tighe Murray delivered options for defense savings that would total between $10 billion and $495 billion through 2023.

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Owl: “Smart Grid” is NSA on Steroids, Expensive, Instrusive, & A Major Health Hazard

05 Energy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Worse than NSA, plus Hazardous to Health & Home (Causes House Fires)

This is one of the 2-3 most important and perhaps alarming articles (and well documented) I've referred to on this site in the last twelve months. An absolute must-read for anyone living in the US and all other western countries and owns a house or lives in a dwelling with smart meters. The dangers this technology poses to freedom and health cannot be overstated.


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Jim Dean: Zionist Penetration of US Academia — Boycott by ASA, Counter-Attack, Need for Religious Counterintelligence Most Urgent

Academia, Corruption, Ethics, Government
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Academic Zionist agents in US go public

It seems that the American Studies Association’s (ASA) boycott resolution vote has rattled the Zionist cages.

They have proved that Veterans Today was right with our claim that academic espionage was one of the key areas where Israeli intelligence has invested major resources for a long time.

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP), commonly Presidents’ Conference, has been chosen by the Israeli lobby to lead the counterattack against the ASA historic resolution reported by Press TV last week.

World media described the resolution breakthrough as a sign that the tipping point toward a full Israel boycott was getting closer.

Continue reading “Jim Dean: Zionist Penetration of US Academia — Boycott by ASA, Counter-Attack, Need for Religious Counterintelligence Most Urgent”

Marcus Aurelius: Arguments Mount to Terminate the US Air Force

Corruption, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

This should generate a lively debate.

SNAPSHOT: Ground the Air Force

Revising the Future of Flight

Robert Farley

Foreign Affairs, December 18, 2013

ROBERT FARLEY is an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky’s Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, founder of the blog Lawyers, Guns, and Money, [1] and the author of Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force [2].

The United States needs air power, but it does not need an air force.

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4th Media: Big Banks Are Manipulating EVERY Market to the Tune of Trillions of Dollars

Commerce, Corruption

4th media croppedBig Banks Are Manipulating EVERY Market to the Tune of Trillions of Dollars

RBS Pays $600 Million for Manpulating Interest Rates … But Big Banks Are Manipulating EVERY Market to the Tune of Trillions of Dollars

Interest Rates Are Manipulated

Bloomberg reports today:

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Stephen E. Arnold: Information Black Holes + Findability

Commerce, Corruption
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Information Black Holes: Autonomy and Its Value Proposition

I follow two or three LinkedIn groups. Believe me. The process is painful. On the plus side, LinkedIn’s discussions of “enterprise search” reveal the broken ribs in the body of information retrieval. On the surface, enterprise search and content processing appear to be fit and trim. The LinkedIn discussion X-ray reveals some painful and potentially life-threatening injuries. Whether it is marketing professionals at search vendors or individuals with zero background in information retrieval, the discussions often give me a piercing headache.

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Information Black Holes + Findability”