Eagle: Charles Hugh Smith on What’s Real? What’s Fake?

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

What's Real? What's Fake?

Is the unemployment rate real or fake? It is obviously fake, but we want to believe the fake is real for a variety of reasons.

We like to think we know the difference between what's real and what's fake. When we're fooled by a fake Rolex watch purchased for $20 on some humid Asian street corner, we shrug it off: it's no big deal because the fake isn't harming anyone.

And when it's difficult to discern the fake from the legitimate, as in fine art paintings and financial policy, we rely on experts to differentiate between the two.

But what if the “experts” are as clueless as the rest of us? What if they've been corrupted by easy money to authenticate the fake as legitimate? Consider ObamaCare, an extraordinarily complex policy that “experts” assure us is a phenomenal advancement that is “working well.”

But what if ObamaCare is a fake? What if it is really not insurance at all, but a giant skimming machine designed to enrich and solidify the power of the state-cartel that operates the sickcare system?

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Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: War on Poverty Round Two — Theater, But Worth Noting… + Poverty RECAP

01 Poverty, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Michael Lerner
Michael Lerner

Great news!

Congessman Keith Ellison, who represents Minneapolis/St Paul in the U.S. House of Representatives, introduced a resolution in effect endorsing the NSP version of a Global Marshall Plan into the House of Representatives as H Res 439. It was referred to the Republican controlled Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Please read the resolution below and send thanks to his legislative aide Vic Edgerton (contact information at end of post).

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4th Media: Saudi Arabian-Pakistani-White House Complicity in 9/11 Exposed — Redacted Pages of 9/11 Joint Congressional Committee Inquiry Now Public

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Military
Eric Walberg

Last week, Congressmen Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch introduced a resolution urging President Obama to declassify the legendary “28 redacted pages of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry of 9/11” issued in late 2002, which point to official Saudi involvement in 9/11.

After much lobbying, and under an oath of secrecy, Jones was allowed to read the censored document: “I was absolutely shocked by what I read. What was so surprising was that those whom we thought we could trust really disappointed me.”

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SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This is the latest in a trend that I have been writing about for almost 20 years: the over-medication of children. The treatment of children in the United States in so many ways is one of the most depressing things about our culture.

Are too Many Kids Taking Antipsychotic Drugs?
Consumer Reports

This is the latest in a string of reports concerning an international trend that holds profound implications for our future. Once again we are being told that the way we order the world is out of balance. We place profit ahead of wellness.

Countdown: Sperm Counts in Freefall
The Economist (U.K.)

Here is the latest on the American Gulag at the Federal level. It is a shameful story.

Government Watchdog: We Have a Growing Federal Prison ‘Crisis'
ANDREW COHEN – The Atlantic

There seems little doubt that 9/11 was maneuvered to achieve some things while suppressing others. But, as usual, over time the truth leaks out. This is a conservative site, but the claims made in this report are documented.

Inside the Saudi 9/11 Coverup
PAUL SPERRY, Hoover Institution Media Fellow – New York Post

We believe that America is a level playing field where hard work assures advancement, and that upward mobility is a fundamental American cultural trait. It is a lie as this report spells out. If you can't tell yourself the truth, you can't do much.

United States Is Now the Most Unequal of All Advanced Economies
ERIC ZUESSE – Popular Resistance

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Obama Suppressing 6,000-Page Report on CIA Torture Adopted by Senate Intelligence Committee

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Lerner

Obama Suppressing 6,000-Page Report on CIA Torture Adopted by Senate Intelligence Committee

by: on December 14th, 2013 | 3 Comments »

Over a year ago, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to adopt a historic, 6,000-page report which contains “startling details” about CIA misdeeds related to its torture program.

The report, which cost $40 million to produce and appears to pose no national security threats, has been set for release since December 13, 2012. However, it has yet to see the light of day.

The reason: the Obama administration continues to suppress its release, apparently for no reason other than to protect the reputations of the guilty.

Per The Atlantic‘s Conor Friedersdorf:

[Over a year ago], the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to adopt a 6,000-page report on the CIA rendition, detention, and interrogation program that led to torture. Its contents include details on each prisoner in CIA custody, the conditions of their confinement, whether they were tortured, the intelligence they provided, and the degree to which the CIA lied about its behavior to overseers. Senator Dianne Feinstein declared it one of the most significant oversight efforts in American history, noting that it contains “startling details” and raises “critical questions.” But all these months later, the report is still being suppressed.

The Obama Administration has no valid reason to suppress the report. Its contents do not threaten national security, as evidenced by the fact that numerous figures who normally defer to the national-security state want it released with minor redactions. The most prominent of all is Vice President Joe Biden.

Read full article.

4th Media: Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game?

Corruption, Government

4th media croppedAnglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game?

What is it that really “scared the hell” out of the Anglo-Americans?

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Could Ukraine become an area of cooperation between Russia and Europe? Could European countries break free?

Concerning Ukraine, it now appears that the fury shown by the Anglo-Americans (that seems really too excessive and reckless even considering recent standards) is due not simply to the danger of losing Ukraine, but to the danger of losing Europe.

This issue was brought to the forefront in a speech given by the Russian president Vladimir Putin in the Armenian capital Yerevan on Dec 2:

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Stephen E. Arnold: Google Takes Possession Of and Gets Ready to Charge for Images

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Google and Images for Email: A Different View, Very Different

I have watched the comments about Google’s decision to cache images. A notable “this is what those guys are doing” appears in “Gmail Blows Up E-Mail Marketing by Caching All Images on Google Servers.” The focus is on the tracking function that e-mail marketers and various search engine optimization poobahs love to discuss.

Here’s a passage I noted:

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