Robert Steele: 250M On Strike in India — Is Deep State TOAST?

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Modi is known  to be under the control of the Zionists and the Deep State globalists. Whether he is being bribed, blackmailed, or extorted is not known. He appears to be wrecking India. Below is important for two reasons: because it is happening and because it spells the end of the Deep State. They cannot overcome populist protest at this scale.

People's World: 250 million Indian workers and farmers strike, breaking world record

Jacobin: “This Is a Revolution, Sir”

Democracy Now: Indian Farmers Lead Historic Strike & Protests Against Narendra Modi, Neoliberalism & Inequality

Martin Armstrong is speaking to a looming food crisis. I and J C Cole have been warning about this for over a year. There are no signs that the Trump Administration is actively monitoring or remediating this potential crisis.

See Also: Food @ Phi Beta Iota, Gray Swans @ Phi Beta Iota

Dan Schultz: State Legislators Have Absolute Constitutional Right to Ignore Fraudulent Public Vote and Choose Electors As They Please . . .

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Briefly, here is an outline of a strategy to have the Arizona Republican House and Senate members publicly reclaim their plenary power granted by the U.S. Constitution to choose Arizona’s presidential electors.  Let’s assume that ALL Republicans in the AZ House and Senate do this.

Article II, section 1, clause 2 gives plenary authority (that is, directly to the legislature from the supreme law of the land, the U.S. Constitution) to the state legislatures to appoint presidential electors:

Continue reading “Dan Schultz: State Legislators Have Absolute Constitutional Right to Ignore Fraudulent Public Vote and Choose Electors As They Please . . .”

Mongoose: DiD Quantum Financial System Just Wipe Out White Collar Crime at Least Among Banks?

Commerce, Ethics, Government

We have no direct knowledge. This is both possible and interesting.

“The Quantum Computer Did It Again” by Ron Giles

Alert Reader comments:

If true about the SWIFT system taking our funds and using them this dwarfs anything yet.  My test gives just I & my wife over the last 30 years $57,000 in overnight profits. If I take that to the whole world, it comes to 725 Trillion in hidden profits over 30 years.

Jerome Corsi: eBook TRUMP WINS: How the 2020 Election Ends in a Trump Win

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

How the 2020 Election Ends in a Trump Win (eBook only)


We are entering the endgame of the 2020 presidential election.  The Deep State coup d’état that began on June 16, 2015, the day Donald Trump came down the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president of the United States.

Continue reading “Jerome Corsi: eBook TRUMP WINS: How the 2020 Election Ends in a Trump Win”