Journal: Eye Opener–Census Worker Found Hanged

11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Peace Intelligence, Reform
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A part-time Census Bureau field worker was found hanged in Kentucky Sept. 12 with the word “fed” scrawled across his chest, according to a law enforcement source. Bill Sparkman, 51, who was white, was found at the Daniel Boone National Forest in rural southeast Kentucky, the Associated Press first reported Wednesday night.

Summary of Book
Summary of Book

Summary of Book
Summary of Book

Phi Beta Iota: The Washington Post was among the early casualties in the new business.  They don't read a lot, just replay the hand-outs from government, so something that is an eye-opener to them is old news to the rest of us.  This story is note-worthy because it is the first story we have seen that a politician in Washington might actually read.  To better understand the Legitimate Grievances of all Americans against the “out of control” Federal Government that has–with the best of intentions and really rotten intelligence–combined with  the Federal Reserve (neither Federal nor a Reserve) to destroy the pension funds and the life savings of the vast majority of the public, see the two reviews behind the two covers, and contemplate some of the other books accessible via the Reviews menu.  We spoke in 19 small towns and cities across America after 9/11 and that was our own eye-opener.  The anger against the Federal Government across the land cannot be exaggerated, and is co-equal with the elitist obliviousness to the plight of the people.  The public is losing its mind because the government has lost its soul.

Journal: Fighting against ourselves in Afghanistan

05 Civil War, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Ethics, Military
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The U.S. trains forces in Afghanistan that then go to work for the Taliban

Ann Jones

Key Points:

1.  Washington and U.S. military out of touch with ground truth and historical-cultural reality in Afghanistan.

2.  We are training individuals in US techniques who desert and join the Taliban–we are literally training the Taliban to beat us.

3.  Many individuals are re-enrolling under multiple names in order to get the training and the good food, while many others take the training and the food and never come back after their first period of leave (vacation after training).

4.  Pashtuns are not joining police and so the Americans are sending non-Pashtuns back into Pashtun territory to act as police–this is so stupid as to be insanely criminal and irresponsible.

Phi Beta Iota: This article was linked to in an earlier post on connecting the dots, but it reads better in Salon and we recommend a careful review–this is journalism at its very best, informing the public about FACTS that the Administration desires to ignore.

Journal: Barack Obama, College Administrator

Communities of Practice, Ethics, Policies, Reform, Threats
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CBS replaying National Review Online

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Other NRO Stories

Victor Davis Hanson

23 September 2009

If you are confused by the first nine months of the Obama administration, take solace that there is at least a pattern. The president, you see, thinks America is a university and that he is our campus president. Keep that in mind, and almost everything else makes sense.

Many of the former Professor Obama's problems so far hinge on his administration's inability to judge public opinion, its own self-righteous sense of self, its non-stop sermonizing, and its suspicion of sincere dissent. In other words, the United States is now a campus, we are the students, and Obama is our university president.

Continue reading “Journal: Barack Obama, College Administrator”

Journal: Government Corruption and Inattention; Foreign Influence and Access: Religious Counterintelligence


Phi Beta Iota: We started thinking about religious counterintelligence in 2003, after reading Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, at which point we concluded that we not only needed an FBI division for commercial counter-espionage, but a religious division as well, one able to track not just Islamic support to terrorism, but Jewish, Catholic, Mormon and other penetrations of the U.S. Government working against the public interest.  This all has to be understood in the context of a government that has sold out deliberately at the political level to 42 or 44 dictators and particularly to Israel and Saudi Arabia–regardless of which party is in power, they are not being held accountable for their broad betrayals of the public trust, hence, if the FBI won't do it, this needs to be a public intelligence initiative, with a special focus on dual citizens of Israel and USA (see below the fold).

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We were looking at Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. They had a list of individuals in the Pentagon broken down by access to certain types of information. Some of them would be policy related, some of them would be weapons-technology related, some of them would be nuclear-related. Perle and Feith would provide the names of those Americans, officials in the Pentagon, to Grossman, together with highly sensitive personal information: this person is a closet gay; this person has a chronic gambling issue; this person is an alcoholic. The files on the American targets would contain things like the size of their mortgages or whether they were going through divorces. One Air Force major I remember was going through a really nasty divorce and a child custody fight. They detailed all different kinds of vulnerabilities.

The epicenter of a lot of the foreign espionage activity was Chicago.

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Reference: Global Outlook Special on False Flag Operations

9-11 Truth Books & DVDs, Ethics, Media Reports, Policy, Reform
Global Outlook on False Flag Operations
Global Outlook on False Flag Operations

Here to the side is the cover of an extraordinary and appropriately titled Collector's Edition of Global Outlook, Issue 13 Annual 2009.  We consider it the New Age counterpart to the first Whole Earth Catlog, a non-violent alternative to the Aranrchist Cookbook.

As with most publications where passion is paramount, we retain a reserve of caution on perhaps 20% of the content, but the other 80% is not only truthful content, it is truthful content not available from any government or media source that has been artfully and intelligently integrated from a vast array of non-fiction sources.

Sub-titled Prescription for a World in Crisis, this volume has seven parts and a resource guide, the parts focusing on the invisible government; historic patterns of deception, why 9/11 was a false flag operation; why so many cannot see through the official lies; Swine Flue Vacinations and Internet Censorship (or Shut-Down as potential operations; other strategies of the invisible government; and a guide to surviving the global crisis.

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Journal: Chuck Spinny Flags Glenn Beck, Populist Rage is Rampant and Rightly So…

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Reform
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Full NYT Story Online

Chuck Spinney says: Even though OODA loops shaping nutty mass behaviour are becoming ever more disconnected from reality, Frank Rich shows this fact does not imply that the phenomenon of populist rage is not based on some real frustrations, grievances, anxieties, and fears.  CS

The New York Times


Even Glenn Beck Is Right Twice a Day


Cartoonist:Barry Blit

Time put Beck on its cover this week. Man of the Year may not be far behind. Beck is not, as many liberals assume, merely the latest incarnation of Rush Limbaugh. He is something different. That’s why he is gaining on his antecedents — and gaining traction in the country’s angrier precincts.

Continue reading “Journal: Chuck Spinny Flags Glenn Beck, Populist Rage is Rampant and Rightly So…”