Mongoose: Fiona Hill Worked for George Soros — Is She a Genetic Man?

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

No direct knowledge. The plot thickens.  Has Fiona Hill ever been properly investigated?  Was her background investigation compromised by internal traitors? Tip of the hat to American Intelligence Media for this overview with documentation.

Fiona Hill is a fake Russia expert from Harvard who was planted to destabilize Russia-American relations for the Pilgrims Society

She worked for George Soros — this is documented.

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Phil Giraldi: Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, but What About Congress?

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, but What About Congress? 

The national security state should actually be engaged in national security. Its size and budget should be commensurate with what it actually does, nothing more. It should not be roaming the world looking for trouble and should instead only respond to actual threats. And it should operate with oversight.

BREAKING: IG Report Out, FBI Lacks Data Integrity and Confidential Information Communications Security

Corruption, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) tweeted at 9:12 AM on Tue, Nov 19, 2019:

Hot off the presses:

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Management of its Confidential Human Source Validation Processes

Bottom line: FBI continues to be an abysmal disgrace, lacking in data integrity as well ascommunications security, names no names. As with its now discredited forensics lab, its basic investigative data integrity can be challenged.  Still needed: a financial audit of all payments to all confidential sources including particularly  those not resident in the USA.

Note: The Durham FISA Report, expected out on 11 December, is the one that is supposed to have the criminal indictments of, at a minimum, six people.

Natalia Romashkina: When Intelligence Suck, Nuclear War Is More Possible…

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence

Strategic Instability in the Era of Information and Communication Technologies: Crisis or the New Norm?

Ph.D. in Political Science, Head of the Informational Security Problems Department of the Center for International Security at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Science of the Russian Federation

Continue reading “Natalia Romashkina: When Intelligence Suck, Nuclear War Is More Possible…”

Ed Jewett: Is Israel Holding US Nuclear Plants Hostage?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Buried on Jim Stone's front page:

Everyone is skeptical of the Deagel report saying America's population would be reduced by 200 million before 2025.

That's not far flung at all, here is how it could happen:

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Is Israel Holding US Nuclear Plants Hostage?”

DefDog: Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall

Corruption, Drones & UAVs, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Strategy

Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall 

Today, the United States and its allies have received a military wakeup call and warning in the Middle East as epochal as the Conquest of Poland was in 1939.

Continue reading “DefDog: Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall”