Donald Trump: National Quantum Initiative

Advanced Cyber/IO

Welcome to, the home of the National Quantum Initiative and ongoing activities to explore and promote Quantum Information Science. The National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law on December 21, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to ensure the continued leadership of the United States in quantum information science and its technology applications. It provides for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

National Quantum Initiative

Ed Jewett: DoD Spending $600M to Weaponize 5G Against Public [Robert Steele: If President Trump Is Successfully Assassinated, It Will Be Via a Scalar Electromagnetic Weapon Controlled by Rogue Elements of the US Military-Industrial Complex]

03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Advanced Cyber/IO, Corruption, Military

Pentagon to dish out $600mn in contracts for ‘5G dual-use EXPERIMENTATION’ at 5 US military sites, including to ‘aid lethality'

“… The US military has partnered with more than a dozen companies for “large-scale experimentation” with 5G technology, including efforts to enhance the [cyber]“lethality” of certain systems, in what’s slated to be a $600 million project.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: DoD Spending $600M to Weaponize 5G Against Public [Robert Steele: If President Trump Is Successfully Assassinated, It Will Be Via a Scalar Electromagnetic Weapon Controlled by Rogue Elements of the US Military-Industrial Complex]”

Scott Bennett: Commentary on POTUS COVID-19 Drama

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Regarding the President allegedly being tested positive for COVID-19…..”Let not your heart be troubled, neither be afraid.” “I am the Lord who heals.”

This is the October surprise–and it is a gift that God has allowed to inspire an awakening in America. In short, the President will fully recover, and in the process single-handedly defeat the Hydra monster of the mythological Covid-19 , and inspire all good Americans–and people in general–to do the same.

Continue reading “Scott Bennett: Commentary on POTUS COVID-19 Drama”

Steven Vervaecke: Microsoft to Become Linux?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Software

I notice a VERY curious and intresting covert evolution in Microsoft.

A few weeks ago i was listening to a video i stumbled upon through the KP blog. The guy in it said Microsoft was taken over by the white hats, by the Alliance. At the time this seemed like a very wild statement not based upon reality, so i dismissed it for myself.

Continue reading “Steven Vervaecke: Microsoft to Become Linux?”

Berto Jongman: Dutch Take Lead with Quantum Computing

Advanced Cyber/IO

First Quantum Network in NL Released by End of 2020 Between Delft and The Hague

The first quantum network in the Netherlands will be released around the end of the year. A so-called quantum link (Q-link) will be established between the Dutch cities of Delft and The Hague, which will enable two quantum systems to be linked and entangled.

Phi Beta Iota: This is years away from implementation, but it merits note that the Dutch are far and away the absolute top of the pyramid when it comes to cyber-communications.  They are not as good at sense-making (no one is).